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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

terry lees
Dirt Bike Dave
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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Thecatlass Sun Aug 22 2010, 17:50

Hello all

I have received a message from Kev's wife (Jenny) today that Kev was involved in an accident whilst clambering across rocks in a scottish Loch. This happened earlier in the month and Kev has suffered a blood clot between his skull and brain (which has been successfully removed) and swelling to the brain. He is currently in a waking coma and is starting to respond to his surroundings but it will be a long time before his recovery can be fully assessed. Jenny will be sending regular updates which i'll post up. Infact, I'll post the email on this thread.

I know many have enjoyed some fantastic rideouts and chewed over the days events in the pub after with Kev and would like to wish him all the best.

I will contact Jenny and let her know that all our thoughts are with her and the family and i'd like to wish Kev all the very best in his recovery.

Gail xx

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Original email

Post  Thecatlass Sun Aug 22 2010, 17:52

Dear all

I am writing this email to let you all know that Kev had a bad fall a couple of weeks ago, and is currently in hospital in Glasgow. He sustained a bad head injury (and also broke his elbow), but his friends, the coastguard, and hospital staff at Western Isles Hospital (WIH) and Southern General Hospital in Glasgow have all been brilliant, and have all given him the best possible chance. Kev’s parents are currently in Glasgow, and spoke to one of his doctors on Thursday (19th); the medical staff are “cautiously optimistic”, and think that Kev has “turned a corner”. Progress will be slow, and recovery will be a long process (over a year), but he’s making small improvements every day. I’ll tell you more about the current situation later, but first here’s a summary of events so far.

What happened: (a friend who was with Kev at the time wrote this for me).

On Sunday 8th August Kevin was paddling as part of a group of six people, after a fun morning exploring sea caves, rock arches and stacks in the kayaks, the group stopped for lunch on a beach in the lagoon on Pabbey Mhor, which is an island in West Loch Roag, on the Atlantic shore of the Island of Lewis. After lunch the group decided to explore a little on foot. At an impressive rock arch some of the group walked on to the top of the arch to be photographed. Kevin was scrambling on some rocks to left side of the arch, a piece of rock came away in his hand and struck him on the head. He fell fifteen feet or so to an uneven and sloping rock surface, which he tumbled down a further twenty feet until landing in the sea, face down and unconscious. The group he was with quickly retrieved him to the shore, assessed the level of his injuries and using a VHF radio summoned assistance via the coastguard. A helicopter was dispatched and within 40 minutes of falling Kevin was being stabilised in Stornoway hospital.

What happened next: Kev was transferred to Southern General Hospital in Glasgow by air ambulance. As soon as he arrived he had an operation to remove a blood clot between his skull and his brain – this operation was a success, and all the blood clot was removed. Kev was taken to ICU (Intensive Care) after this. At this stage he was in a coma (not drug-induced), but breathing by himself.

Monday 9th: I flew out to Glasgow to be with Kev. He had a CT scan done, which showed that there were some abnormalities in his brain, and his brain was (unsurprisingly) swollen. The verdict was “it’s just a case of time”, so the waiting began…

Tuesday 10th – Kev broke his right elbow when he fell, so he had a trip down to Orthopaedics to get that fixed. Two of Kev’s friends (Martin and Steve) came up, which I really appreciated, as I’d been on my own until then.

Wednesday 11th – today’s activity was another scan. The maxillofacial surgeons just wanted to check if there was any damage to the bones in his face (they later said that everything was fine).

Thursday 12th – Kev had been on a ventilator to keep his airway open, but as this involved a tube going into his mouth his lip was getting very sore, and it was difficult for the nurses to clear his chest. So Thursday morning he had a tracheotomy (tube (trache) put in his throat – minor operation done on the ward), which made things more pleasant for everyone. The other advantage was that whilst he was on the ventilator he couldn’t be moved from ICU, but once he had the trache he could be moved to a general ward. Kev’s parents (Chris and Sue) arrived on Thursday afternoon and we spoke to the consultant. I flew home on Thursday night, and Martin and Steve drove back to Yorkshire. Kev’s brother (Neil) has also been up to see him, and all three of them are visiting Kev again this weekend.

What’s happening now:

Kev is better than he was a week ago, but is still not fully conscious. He’s is on antibiotics for a chest infection (which is only to be expected with a trache), and the doctors want to clear this infection up as a priority. Once his chest is clear they will remove the trache. He can’t be moved back to Western Isles Hospital (WIH) until the trache is out (small hospital here, will find it more difficult to deal with a trache). They reckon he will be in Glasgow for a couple more weeks. There’s still some swelling on his brain (had another CT done on Thursday 19th) but the swelling is going down. There were dark areas (abnormalities) in scans last week, but they are much less pronounced now. Last week the doctors were concerned that he had suffered from oxygen deprivation, but they are not so sure about that now.

He is opening his right eye (and has just started to open his left eye occasionally). He is in a room with 3 other patients, so there are nurses in there most of the time – his nurse told me today that he is watching what they are doing (which means he is not just seeing but focussing). He is responding to stimulation (pinching him on the neck) by moving his arms and legs, and is squeezing the nurse’s hand with his right hand when asked – this means that he can hear, understand and respond. On Friday (20th) his parents were visited him in the morning, and when left and said goodbye he lifted his right arm to wave to them. These improvements have all happened over the last few days, so he’s moving in the right direction.

It’s going to be a long journey, and the consultants have said it will take at least a year before we see the full extent of recovery. But Kev’s young, strong and (usually) healthy, which stand him in good stead. If you think back to the last time you bruised yourself, remember that the bruise will have taken several weeks to heal, and it’s just the same with Kev’s brain – it’s going to take time.

I have spent this week at home, getting myself sorted so that I can be strong for Kev. I am planning on flying out next Thursday (26th) and am looking forward to having my hand squeezed.

Some of you may have been trying to get in touch with Kev recently about day-to-day things – unfortunately I can’t access his mobile phone or emails, so I haven’t been able to respond. As you can imagine, it has not been easy to write this email, and I would appreciate it if you contacted me by email if you want to get in touch (phone calls aren’t easy from either end of the phone line). Hopefully you can see who else has received this email - I’ll just make a contact group for the future, but thought it would be useful for you all to know who else has received this email. Please feel free to pass the email on to anybody else you feel would want to know (I’ve had to work from Kev’s old mobile phone to get all your contact details).

I am planning on sending regular updates to let you know how things are going, so if you’re not on this original email but would like updates, please drop me an email and I’ll add your details to the list.

At the end of every day I have been saying “Kev’s no worse today, so that makes it a good day”, and occasionally “Kev’s improved today, so that makes it a very good day”. Like the doctors, his family and I are cautiously optimistic, and I hope that you will be too. Our life may not be turning out quite as we had planned it, but we’re just going to get on with living it.



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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Guest Sun Aug 22 2010, 17:55

thought he'd been quiet of late - thats not good - big hugs to him hope he.s on the mend x

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Wild-Kat-Wolf Sun Aug 22 2010, 18:18

Oh no, poor Kev.....what an awful thing to happen to him (and his family). My thoughts are will you all for a speedy recovery xxx

Fi girl_witch

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  yamahamad Sun Aug 22 2010, 19:14

So sorry to hear of this terrible news, sounds like he is getting excellent care & attention hope he continues to improve quickly. Paul.

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  kwakkat Sun Aug 22 2010, 20:26

got your e mail gail it was only last year on big mac hope all goes well our thought & prayers with jenny
fred & pete

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Dirt Bike Dave Sun Aug 22 2010, 21:12

Gail, can you find out what ward he's in. And if he's allowed visitors.
Me and Rosco can go visit him on the way home tomorrow.

In a previous existance i may have known the Bouncer.

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Dirt Bike Dave
Dirt Bike Dave

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Thecatlass Sun Aug 22 2010, 21:39

I've emailed Jenny Dave, but not sure when she'll reply. I'll pass the details on as soon as i get them. xx

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Dirt Bike Dave Sun Aug 22 2010, 21:44

ok Gail. thanks for that.

In a previous existance i may have known the Bouncer.

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Dirt Bike Dave
Dirt Bike Dave

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  0ldcat Sun Aug 22 2010, 21:55

Shocking News indeed.

Our best wishes to Kev for a timely and full recovery.


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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Guest Sun Aug 22 2010, 22:00

Really bad news. Please pass on my best wishes to Kev and his family.

If it will help, just let Kev know that I'll turn up at the hospital with my camera if he doesn't hurry up and get better. He'll know what I mean.

Here's hoping for a full recovery.


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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  ellie Mon Aug 23 2010, 06:39

Oh no!!

All our love & best wishes to Kev and his family xx

Ellie & Nick x

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  greencat Mon Aug 23 2010, 09:23

Oh, Kev!

Sounds like you've done a proper job! Really sorry to hear this and wish you all the very best for a complete recovery. Hang on in there and let the body do its job. It's an amazing bit of kit, but you have to look after it!

Looks like Jenny's had a rough time out of this too and I wish her, the family and Kev's close friends all the best too to help see him through all of this.

We haven't seen of heard much from Kev recently, but there are a lot of folk on here who have ridden with him in the past and would hope to do it again in the future - let see how things go. It would be a heck of a day if we could do that again. If there's anything we can do in the meantime please let us know. My mobile is zero7930 4hundred 468 if needed.

Very best wishes,


PS Gail - thanks for letting the group know. Not heard from you for ages either. I hope all's well?

I'm not just a 'cat, I'm an IAMs  'cat.  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  furball Mon Aug 23 2010, 13:28

Sorry to here this Kev, hope you make a speedy recovery


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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Rosco Mon Aug 23 2010, 14:02

BravePill (Euan , Dirt bike dave and I have just visited Kev.

He was asleep when we got there and we were just going to leave a note but one of the nurses woke him. He only opened eye and would look and appear to focus on all three of us. All his locks have been shaved off and has a scar on his head. We all talked to him but quite difficult when you get next to no feedback. We told him some stories of our big mac and asked if he would like to join us again soon.

We hope and pray for a full and speedy recovery.


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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  MevsyD Mon Aug 23 2010, 17:27

Terrible news, hope it is a quick and 100% recovery. Keep us posted please.

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Krusty Mon Aug 23 2010, 19:13

We missed Kev at the BM, here's hoping he runs along that road to recovery and we get to seem him at a future rideout

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  funderKat Mon Aug 23 2010, 23:24

Was quite shocked to hear about this - being a nice guy is no defence against random things like this. Hope he gets better as soon as possible, and Ross (Dave & Euan) really pleased you managed to make the visit.

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  druidsam Tue Aug 24 2010, 15:38

dont really know you kev but hoping you have a full and speedy recovery


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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  supernaut Tue Aug 24 2010, 16:57

very bad news this. kevs a great lad and me and sharon wish him a full and speedy recovery.
thanks for letting us know of this Gail and please keep us posted. well done the scottish cats for going to see him.

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  marantz100 Wed Aug 25 2010, 00:31

Was out in wales with Jez when I got Gails text, can't believe how bad Kev has been injured.
I picture Kev as this huge bloke that made his thundercat look like a mini moto when he rode it, had some good laughs on past ride outs, and trackdays.
I wish him a full and speedy recovery, my thoughts and sympathies go out to Jenny and Kev's family.
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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Thecatlass Wed Aug 25 2010, 18:41

Latest update from Jenny today

Hi Gail

Thanks for your email. My only means of contacting people has been through the email addresses on Kev’s old phone – there were several names that I recognised from Thundercat club, but only mobile numbers, so thank you for putting something on the website.

Kev’s address is Ward 65, Southern General Hospital, 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow G51 4TF. He’s sleeping a lot of the time, but he is recognising people, so if there’s anybody local who wants to visit, feel free but you won’t get much conversation!

Things are quite hectic at the moment, answering all Kev’s fanmail, and trying to do all the things that need to be done. I’m flying out to Glasgow tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to spending some time with Kev and having my hand squeezed. I’ll probably send another update when I get back.



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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Eddie990 Fri Aug 27 2010, 10:00

This is awful news, what a shitty thing to happen to such a great bloke.

Best wishes to Kev and his family, really hope he makes a speedy, full recovery and we see him again soon.

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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  Rosco Mon Aug 30 2010, 11:03

I'm down near the hospital tonight and plan to pop in and see Kev.

I plan to take a laptop to show him his Flickr photos

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and also some of the recent Thundercat group meetings.

I'll read him some of the messages on this thread so if anyone wants me to relay any message just post up and I'll do that for you.


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Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident Empty Re: Kev Whitworth (Jacurutu) in a serious accident

Post  weasley Mon Aug 30 2010, 13:53

Pass on my best to the big man will you? Awful news but glad to see he's started on the road to recovery - all the best mate.

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