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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  Radar Sun May 31 2009, 01:25

Well after several months of careful planning and much selfless route-checking by Nick (Robertcains) the day of the big Welsh ride out dawned. Incredibly as blearily came-to from my sorely needed beauty sleep I was greeted by a most unusual sight for a ride in Wales - sunshine! It was bloody hot too and it was still only 7am! This is just not on! I don't how you did it Nick, but well done anyway!

I dragged my poor old Thundercat from hibernation (I have been on holiday) and did my usual through 1 point check - does it start? Yes, off we go then! Thundercats may not be cutting edge but they are hardy old things. I gently wend my way across the wonderful Worcestershire/Shropshire border country taking the A456, A49 and A489 past Ludlow before rolling into the charming farming town of Bishop Castle that was the rendezvous point for the big ride-out. I was the first one there and did wonder if I had got it right as Nick seemed to of selected the smallest petrol station in the world to marshal over a dozen bikes. Many forum members had come from across the UK to be here with riders from Croydon, Reading, Exeter and Warrington amongst others. Some had stayed in few local hostelries the night before, but I had not been able to join in for that part of the weekend, so one of those guys will have to tell you about that. Apparently one hotel/pub had a bit of reputation and was dubbed 'the Pink Palace' by locals...

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The rather quaint petrol station meeting point, suddenly descended upon by 14 superbikes on a Saturday morning

As the bikes continued to roll up we seemed to be causing quite a stir in this normally quiet town and bunch of rather charming 6th form girls on the back of bus looked on in amusement at all the fuss. Calls to 'get a picture of the back of the bus!' led to one of our group trailing a rather large local lady into the petrol station with camera pointed at her bum, he had clearly got hold of the wrong end of the stick...or so he was claiming..!

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The group at Bishops Castle...please feel free to put names to faces!

Left to Right
Dave ~ Russ(hiding behind Dave) ~ Will ~ Ellie ~ Nick ~ Pam ~ Steve ~ Tel ~ Pete ~ fred(shiela) ~ Nige ~ Rob ~ Linz ~ Simon ~ Tony ~ Paul ~ Ian ~
Absent from photo ~ Tony(Radar) taking picture

After Oldcat gathered us together for a briefing and a few pics we all mounted and headed off with Nick leading the way on his Thundercat. We had 14 bikes, 6 off them Thundercats while the rest was made up a R1, a couple of Fireblades a 636 Kwack, a VFR, a Fazer 600, a Speed Triple and Oldcat's CB1000F.

As the group picked it's way across into Wales on the A458 the challenge of holding the line together in heavy traffic was being done admirably by RC and a 'marker' was left at each junction or turn so everybody knew which route to go, while the VFR and FZ600 riders took the rear of the line to collect any stragglers. The need to keep the line together and extremely heavy traffic did mean that the pace was modest for this leg, but the views throughout were simply amazing. After a brief halt at a rather busy service station we finally started to break free of the shackles and the ride flowed better; the views just got better on a glorious sunny day. Wales is a beautiful country and sometimes it is just good enough to roll off the throttle and take it all in. We stopped a Lake Tal-y-llyn that sits in a stunning valley alongside the B4405. I will let the pictures do the talking here...

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The six Thundercats

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After to brief a halt we remounted and headed for a small coastal town called Tywyn that is about 20 miles north of Aberystwyth. The roads were clearer now and the backdrop continued to be impressive. I had forgotten just how fabulous Wales can look on a day like this and I had to force my eyes back to the road on a few occasions!

Blues seas greeted us at Tywyn as we all parked up on the seafront and headed for the chippy. Now the chap who runs the chip shop here cooks everything fresh to order...fine in theory but not so good when 20 or so bikers need food in a hurry. To make matters worse he wrote every order down too, before dutifully attacking them one by one and crossing them off his list! By the time I had ground my way down the queue and through his system I had almost lost the will to live! They were excellent though!

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The worlds slowest moving chip shop queue

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With the chips enjoyed by all, blue seas and skies duly appreciated we got back on the bikes and headed for the Llyn Clywedog reservoir on the B4518. The route to there continued to spoil us with quite breath taking beauty and when we rolled into the car park here the view that greeted us was...well...see for yourself...

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To top it all, Robertcains had even laid on a little car bound helper (Matt) with a camping stove to provide a brew and some biccies for the group! This is a first on a ride out for me, but what a brilliant idea and somehow very British!

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Matt with the all important kettle!

Back on the bikes again and now, after making our way to Newtown, for the cherry on the ride out cake so to speak: The A483 from Newtown to Crossgates. This is a strip of God's own tarmac and I love it. After the necessary tight discipline of the ride up to now the 'fly boys' were let of the lead to attack this piece of tarmac with some verve. I tucked in behind a Fireblade and a R1 then bounced my poor Thundercat along, its poor knackered Bridgestone tyres crying for mercy here and there as we hurtled toward Crossgates, mercifully untroubled by the heavy traffic that had plagued the early part of the ride. An extra bonus was no plod anywhere; normally they are all over this road like a rash. Coming with us was the chap on the Speed Triple and the other Fireblade. 20 or so miles flashed past in what seemed like an instant and the Triumph and 2nd Fireblade rider went straight past Crossgates and continued on to lap up some more action!

One by one we all gathered at the cafe at Crossgates and after a bit of a natter the main group headed back to Bishops Castle for another night on the pop while I headed back to Kidderminster with a huge grin on my face....

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Gathering the troops at Crossgates, well most of them anyway!

Cheers to all for a cracking day out and it was good to meet so many of you for the first time!

Special thanks to Robertcains for organising and keeping the line together so expertly, but the tea halt was pure genius!

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Thanks RC!

Great roads, breath taking views, excellent company, tea provided enroute! Enough said...

PS. Sorry about the lack of names, I have a terrible memory for them

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  robertcains Sun May 31 2009, 13:33

Radar, Thanks for a brilliant write up as per usual & I'm a little lost how to follow on to that!!

Firstly I'd like to thank all those who attended & thank you very much for the superb company on the ride & also during the evening entertainment where we had such a great laugh.
The riding was up to a very high standard & its always a relief to get a large group back home again without any major incidents Smile

I'll also publicly thank Matt for his selfless offer of playing tea boy at Clywedog where the kettles were already on the boil for us on arrival, Great stuff m8 great

Perhaps the highlight of the day was saved for the ladies of the group whilst refuelling at Machynlleth when two sports bike riders blasted through the group wearing just boots, helmets & a G String each naughty ponder Ellie was gutted that she couldn't get her camera switched on quick enough Laughing Rolling Eyes

Tel getting stuck into lunch at Telford services
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Lining up the troops at BC
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The six 'cats at Tal-y-Lyn
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The group
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Tywyn lunch halt
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Catching the sun
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The tail gunners, Will, Russ & Dave. Thanks guys
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The 'Landlord' cooling off
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Last edited by robertcains on Mon Jun 01 2009, 05:54; edited 1 time in total

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Humour : Lol. No chance!!
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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  weasley Sun May 31 2009, 15:35

Not really much more to say really! I have just got home after 450 miles, 3 tankfuls of fuel, 2 great nights out, 1 awesome ride-out and around 3,461 insects on me and the bike (one of which that hit my helmet on the way home I swear was a Boeing 747 or something!).

Big respect to Nick for arranging it all, especially the weather and tea stop - thanks also to Tel for acting 2IC and helping shepherd the masses. Big thanks also to all riders - some of the best group riding I've seen in a while and hence no incidents or tickets.

Looking forward to the next one - who can match or even top Nick's ride-out prep....?!

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  0ldcat Sun May 31 2009, 17:54

1. Cracking Good Weekend
2. Cracking Good Write Up
3. Cracking Good Photies (accept the burger pic Embarassed , Bugger! Busted)
4. Cracking Good Company
5. Cracking Good Ride Out

Not even gonna attempt to add to all that has been already said accept for a big thanks to all for making it what it was great clink

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Humour : It shrank in the wash
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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  ellie Sun May 31 2009, 17:55

Back!!! Having travelled....several hundred miles this weekend, but every single one worth it....It was a cracking weekend from the rideout, to the company, to the weather,to the scenery, to the food!!!

I also learned some GREAT overtaking manoevers (woops!!) and frequently gasped at the scenery.

Thanks so much to Nick for all his hardwork, and no doubt worry! It was just fantastic... :whoop:

Thankyou to my two companions on the way home for their guidance and to Ian for some caffeine to enable me to ride back to Horncastle awake!

So, thankyou one and all!!! Sod washing the bike...a hot bath is calling!!!!!!

Ellie x girlpower welshflag

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  SteveCat Sun May 31 2009, 19:17

Fantastic write up, thanks Tony (Bus pics came out great! ponder )

What more can we add, a Big thank you to Nick and everyone else for making this a wonderful trip.

Trip home was way better than the ride up, made good time but tired.

Good to see old and new friends. Put pics up soon.

-Steve & Pam

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  Guest Sun May 31 2009, 20:20

Home safe and sound having done 670 odd miles.

Great weekend, thanks Nick, got a sore head to prove it (from sunshine and beer). Sorry we missed you all this morning as you were leaving BC, we were running a bit late and got there at 10.45am and you had all gone.

Fantastic write up Tony. Well done on keeping up with me and Rob down the A483, it was good fun. We were taking it a little easy though as didn't want any incidents to spoil the weekend. Nevertheless, just shows that you can hustle a TCat along.

Only disappointment for me was not being able to get in to the private party in the 3 Tuns, now that could have been fun.

All in all though, excellent company, good riding, great roads, lovely landlord in the Boars Head Wink , fantastic weather. Couldn't ask for more.

Taste of Lincs has got a lot to live up to.

Thanks again to Nick for the organising.


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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  bignige Sun May 31 2009, 22:10

Wolud like add mine & Ians thanks to those alreay expressed to everyone involved for a cracking weekend, it's all been said in the previous posts so best wishes to all.
(still recon it the nicest group I've ever ridden with)
Cheers Guys (& Girls)

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Humour : The Beatings will continue until Morale improves !
Registration date : 2009-02-12

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  Radar Sun May 31 2009, 22:14

topcatbones wrote:Home safe and sound having done 670 odd miles.

Fantastic write up Tony. Well done on keeping up with me and Rob down the A483, it was good fun. We were taking it a little easy though as didn't want any incidents to spoil the weekend. Nevertheless, just shows that you can hustle a TCat along.

The poor old thing does ok! There was a little in reserve but not a vast amount. Note to self...must buy some decent tyres!

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  Radar Sun May 31 2009, 22:17

robertcains wrote:
Perhaps the highlight of the day was saved for the ladies of the group whilst refuelling at Machynlleth when two sports bike riders blasted through the group wearing just boots, helmets & a G String each naughty ponder Ellie was gutted that she couldn't get her camera switched on quick enough Laughing Rolling Eyes

I actually came on to edit my review to include this bit, it was quite a sight! I did write it at 1am, bit still a bit bemused I forgot to put it in!

Cheers again Nick, brilliant ride out!

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  Radar Sun May 31 2009, 22:25

weasley wrote:Not really much more to say really! I have just got home after 450 miles, 3 tankfuls of fuel, 2 great nights out, 1 awesome ride-out and around 3,461 insects on me and the bike (one of which that hit my helmet on the way home I swear was a Boeing 747 or something!).

Big respect to Nick for arranging it all, especially the weather and tea stop - thanks also to Tel for acting 2IC and helping shepherd the masses. Big thanks also to all riders - some of the best group riding I've seen in a while and hence no incidents or tickets.

Looking forward to the next one - who can match or even top Nick's ride-out prep....?!

Know what you mean about the flies...

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  kwakkat Mon Jun 01 2009, 00:00

at last got the computer working so we can post in
what a buzz great weather & brill peeps one if not the best ride outs we,ve been on & 1 hell of a sore left thumb from pressing the indicator cancel button
sorry about the can tony but it shifts the cars out the way
as for the pink palace ask the for mention tony
it was that good i could chuck a rock at it hehe lol2
fred & pete

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  robertcains Wed Jun 03 2009, 06:00

Thanks for all the positive replies, Anyone up for BC2 next year then?? Plenty more of those roads to enjoy great

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  0ldcat Wed Jun 03 2009, 16:20

robertcains wrote:Thanks for all the positive replies, Anyone up for BC2 next year then?? Plenty more of those roads to enjoy great
Too bloody right mate great Very Happy

With any luck and the help of such a stirling write up from Tony (Radar) of BC1, a repeat of the bloody great weather like this years, you'll get twice the interest and attendance for BC2 in twenty ten.

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  kwakkat Thu Jun 04 2009, 14:46

yes nick but can we have better weather this
time its the 1st time ive been to Wales & got sunburn
now that won,t do will it lol great

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Good old Wales!!!

Post  Robcat Thu Jun 04 2009, 20:25

Sorry for signing in so late but we had a cracking time in Wales aswell. Never been in Wales and encountered weather like that before. Thanks for all the organisation and the pleasure of riding the damn fine road A483 as has been mentioned above. Thanks to Tony for taking the lead when we went ahead of the group as he kept it at a nice steady 2 up pace.

Thanks to Radar for the great write up and pics and well done for keeping up with the "Fly Boys", hmmm, we were on a leash or at least I was lol.

We will def be at BC2 in 2010.

Catch you all again soon
Rob and Linz

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  Radar Fri Jun 05 2009, 20:40

Robcat wrote:Sorry for signing in so late but we had a cracking time in Wales aswell. Never been in Wales and encountered weather like that before. Thanks for all the organisation and the pleasure of riding the damn fine road A483 as has been mentioned above. Thanks to Tony for taking the lead when we went ahead of the group as he kept it at a nice steady 2 up pace.

Thanks to Radar for the great write up and pics and well done for keeping up with the "Fly Boys", hmmm, we were on a leash or at least I was lol.

We will def be at BC2 in 2010.

Catch you all again soon
Rob and Linz

I enjoyed the 483, I would love an R1 one day.

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  kwakkat Fri Jun 05 2009, 22:38

def do this in 2010 nick
fred & pete

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  ellie Fri Jun 05 2009, 22:58

Count me in.......Loved every minute of it............ Very Happy

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  Radar Sun Feb 28 2010, 21:57

In light of the impending BCII I thought I would give this topic a bump so everybody can remember how good last year was...No pressure then Nick...

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  SteveCat Mon Mar 01 2010, 00:21

Oh the trauma of seeing myself in the pics again :( Nice to see the sun again though

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  Guest Mon Mar 01 2010, 10:17

Didn't know about this place (or have a 'cat) last year but can't wait for BC2.

(also can't wait for a sausage butty at Crossgates, I know and love that cafe well!)

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Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics. Empty Re: Bishops Castle Rideout - Review and Pics.

Post  kwakkat Mon Mar 01 2010, 17:17

& i can,t wait to visit the chippy at the seaside for part 2 of the domestic

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Number of posts : 1399
Hobbies : living the life
Humour : evil just plain evil
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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