Yamaha Thundercats
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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Dirt Bike Dave
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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Radar Sun Jun 19 2011, 23:33

Another superb forum gathering started for me on Friday afternoon when I managed to sneak out work a bit early, dashed home and dragged my trusty and beloved Thundercat out for usual extensive pre-flight check...does it start? Yes, cool let’s go! This would come back to bit me a little later on...
Anyway this somewhat cavalier approach to preparation let Mrs.Radar and me get on with our usual pre ride-out ritual...This runs along the lines of me muttering stuff like “What the f€uk do you need to bring that for!!??” as she covered our bed with enough kit to equip a medium sized army! Eventually after much screaming, yelling and gnashing of teeth we jam all her gear into the panniers and put my toothbrush and change of skids in a tank bag side pocket and wobble off still muttering at each other into our helmets! I am never going to buy an intercom... By now it had started to rain too...oh great!
R2D2, Stevecat (and Pam) and Mr. France had met up already en-route and we joined them just outside Bewdley. It was good to hook up with people so early on in the weekend and all on Thundercats too. I led the group initially as paddled across Worcestershire, into Shropshire as the rain continued to fall, despite being the local I wound up at the back of the line after Craven Arms and it was Stevecat who led us the last few miles into Bishops Castle itself. It felt good to be back in the charming little town again and memories from the previous gatherings came flooding back. Somehow now the rain didn’t matter. We headed for our respective digs, R2D2 joining the camping contingent on the outskirts of town.
A quick call to Robercairns (Nick) our leader for the weekends fun and frolics revealed that he and Ellie were already sampling the cultural delights of Bishops Castle...they were in the pub!!
Once Mrs Radar had unloaded all her kit and my toothbrush we headed to the centre of the nights fun...The Boars Head...aka ‘the pink palace’ of BC1 legend. Here the group gathered and enjoyed an excellent meal, only marred slightly by Nick bringing out his favourite bright yellow ‘budgie- smugglers’. These were variously thrown about, modelled on people’s heads etc as the beer flowed. Just don’t ask about the skid marks...I’m sure it was some errant brown sauce...
It was great to see familiar faces from BC1/2 and some new people for me, such as Rosco and Dirtbike Dave who had made the epic journey down from Scotland for the weekend. Littlecat was on her first forum gathering and ride-out only 2 weeks after passing her test. I was particularly pleased to see that Oldcat had made it after all; the ‘Yoda’ of the Thundercat world despite having defected to a Honda in recent years was amongst us.
The evening passed all too quickly, the pub filled with the buzz of conversation and laughter, but it was a big tomorrow...the ride up to Snowdonia National Park and the weather forecast wasn’t great.
The morning of the ride-out dawned, and it wasn’t raining...result. We gathered for the ride outside The Boars Head and our numbers were swelled by Dai-san and his Gpz550 riding mate who were just coming for the rideout. All in sixteen bikes lined up ready for the off...including 9 Thundercats, a recent record and not bad for a bike 8 years out of production. Joining Yamaha’s finest were a 600 Fazer, a GPz550, CBF1000, Ducati 999, Triumph 1050ST, ZX6R 636 and Greencat’s stunning 11 plate 848. Rob and Lins were with us too, but no R1 this year as he was recovering from nasty accident on his daily hack. So Rosco generously was taking Lins as pillion for the day.

After the compulsory group photo-shoot the group saddled up and headed by Nick set off with Stevecat taking the tail. Sixteen bikes streamed out of BC and headed off for Wales. The marker system worked well and as we threaded our way through Shropshire towards Wales the group basically stayed nicely together. The initial sections along the A5 were not terribly exciting but got the group used to riding with each other and the roads got steadily more challenging and views more impressive as the ride progressed into Wales. Past the Incredible aqua-duct at Llangollen, over the Horse-shoe pass, were stopped briefly to take it the superb view down into the valley, before the first stop proper at the famous Ponderosa cafe for a cuppa and bit of cake. The weather had been patchy but there had been enough dry roads for most of the group to have some fun here and there. Later Dai-san and I were having bit of fun on section as explored the capabilities of his recently acquired Thundercat, made all the more impressive when we found out his front tyre was a bit on the soft side. Team ‘No-range’ on the two Dukes were a bit liked caged tigers pacing up down their cage but even they managed to cut loose here and there.

On through Betws-y-coed and Capel Curig causing an amusing amount of chaos in a petrol station before picking up the A4086 and the high-light of the ride...the spectacular Pen-y-pass as it cuts through the heart of the national park. The dark clouds were draped ominously over the mountain tops as we plunged down the pass, sweeping past cars and tour buses as best we could before reaching Llanberis for the lunch halt. Just as we rolled into the bike park a bus load of pensioners also arrived and there were unsightly scenes as bikers and biddies battled it out for the prime tables and the bog! In the confusion poor Mechy managed to find his way into the Ladies loo’s...his place in the Numpty Hall of fame assured. What a shame I got a photo too...

The weather had been patchy throughout and we had stopped a few more times than usual, but somehow it didn’t matter and for me it added to the spirit of the ride somehow

Littlecat had done well so soon after her test and the lad from Stoke on the GPz was putting on a cracking show when the pace did pick up.

Suitably refreshed we headed back, the pace was noticeably quicker at times, despite long sections of the A470 being dug up. I really enjoyed a few miles when 6 of the 9 Thundercats were heading the pack, great stuff. We were going along fairly well under the circumstances when suddenly from nowhere Rosco roared past me on the exit to a bend, nearly scrapping out waving an apology and disappearing into the distance like he suddenly added a rocket motor to his bike! At his point Nick suddenly slowed the line and I was more than a little perplexed. All made sense a couple of miles up the road when we suddenly swept past Rosco who at the side of the road with all his video and stills cameras ready to capture each of the group as we passed! Good work Rosco!

This section of the run included the sublime B4391 which the guys and girls at the front attacked with some verve despite the wet and slippery conditions. I was at the back of the pack by now keeping Oldcat company, who had taken over from Stevecat as group backmarker now. The gutsy Littlecat was picking her way gently across this section, riding for the first time in such demanding conditions. She really impressed me all day and her confidence and speed will no doubt increase with the miles.

Having so many Thundercats together again is a rare event these days so we took the opportunity to line up all 9 alongside Lake Llyn Celyn. They made an impressive sight...but with the advancing years we might do well to hit this number on future rides.
It was here that the reason for the increasing odd handling of my bike became apparent...my back tyre seemed to of lost pressure...or was it just too soft all along due to my thorough lack of preparation?? Panic was quickly averted when Rosco sprang to the rescue with a compressor from under the seat of his Thundercat. In addition to a small TV and photo studio his bike had more underseat accessories than I have ever seen and wiring loom like black spaghetti! Cheers bud; you got me out of the poo big time.
The ride continued and despite the continually changing weather we all managed to have a bit of fun at various points along the way.
The Stoke contingent headed home before we got back to BC, good to meet you both lads!
Mr.France headed back to Southampton from BC, another 200 miles on top of the 200 we had just done...respect
Once at BC Ellie was offered a go on Dirtbike Dave’s Duke which she gleefully accepted. A slightly nervous DBD looked on as Ellie initially wobbled off, nearly got T boned at walking pace by a slightly bemused Fiesta driver. 10 minutes later she roared back, with a grin on her face and much clearer idea as to what bike she wanted next!
I headed back to our digs while Nick, Ellie and ‘Team No-range’ on the Dukes went for a quick blast.
Ellie arrived back at the digs a good ten minutes before Nick and ‘Team No-range’...she was texting, making tea. They muttered something about her taking a different route and then looking for her...one day the truth will come out!
The group gathered again at the Three Tuns for a superb meal and beer from the on-site brewery. Once again the conversation flowed and laughter ringed out from everybody. Even my thank you speech didn’t spoil a good night!

A few mentions:

Littlecat: Gutsy performance all weekend for a newly qualified rider on tough roads in challenging conditions

Mechy69: The toilet confusion! A worthy Numpty award winner

BigNige: If you are going to have a sneaky pee behind a hedge...take your high viz off!!

Oldcat: looked very distinguished with the walking stick...rather like Steed in The Avengers...except when he relieved himself in the hedge on an early stop!

Ellie: Having an umbrella on a ride-out...and using it

Mrs.Radar: Mistaking the little safe in our room for a microwave

The lads from Scotland for coming so far in the face of a lousy weather forecast, great to meet you both

Oldcat for turning out despite some difficult circumstances

Oldcat and Stevecat for being such excellent sweepers at the end of the line

I also get mention for least prepared and longest use of an indicator! Doh!!

A final big thanks must go to Nick and Ellie, for doing the lions share towards organising a truly excellent event

It was a pleasure to ride, socialise and spend time with you all!

Picies to follow when I get a few minutes!

Roll on BC4 and some sunshine!

Now for the piccies....

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RC wearing his budgie smugglers loud and proud in the bar of The Boars Head!

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Is this the first forum proposal??? Rosco pleads for Mechys69 hand...

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Forming up for the Saturday ride-out, little Bishops Castle invaded once more

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RC models hos leaders high viz...is it me or does that pose look just a little too natural???

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The standard group shot...

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It was long before Oldcat was checking out the wildlife...he muttered something about pythons?

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Me, my beloved and Mandy...

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OK the weather was a bit crap, but the view was still imprssive at the horseshoe pass

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BigNige, Greencat and Mechy69 at the firsr proper stop at the Ponderosa

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Littlecat up at the Ponderosa,she thoroughly enjoyed the whole day

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Tea and cake, we bikers are hard b@ast@rds

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Enjoying the somewhat too fresh air

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Great view from the Ponderosa, even on a day like this one

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Team No-range at rest in their natural environment...a petrol station...God they are beautiful though!

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Causing a suitable of choas at the first petrol halt

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All safe and sound at Llanberis

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Bikers and Biddies battle it for tea and cakes! There were some nasty scuffles...

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Mechy69, securing in his sexuality emerges from the ladies...numpty t-shirt secured...!!

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Evem Mary Poppins has a Thundercat...

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9 Thundercats soaking up the...err no just soaking!

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Rosco to the rescue!!

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Have you ever considered taking up Knitting Rosco??

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We passed through loads of great countryside

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Team Stoke!!

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Oldcat doing his best Steed impression

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MrFrance was pretty chilled all day...

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Impressive lone up

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Ellie showing a Fiesta a clear pair of heels

No pics from the eveniing I am afraid..I forgot my camera!

Last edited by Radar on Tue Jun 21 2011, 19:23; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Typos and adding pics!)

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  robertcains Mon Jun 20 2011, 03:39

Brilliant mate, just brilliant as usual, btw those budgie smugglers were expertly removed by their owner Cards at the dining table (without taking his trousers off either!!!) just seconds before you modeled them as a balaclava pmsl

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  greencat Mon Jun 20 2011, 08:48


I'm not just a 'cat, I'm an IAMs  'cat.  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Rosco Mon Jun 20 2011, 09:37

You're sad Chris - Do you only post up at 8:48 now?

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  SteveCat Mon Jun 20 2011, 09:49

Brilliant write up Tony, thanks.

Thought that yellow 'thing' was a bit suspect Very Happy

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  littlecat Mon Jun 20 2011, 09:59

fantastic review Tony, and once again huge thanks to everyone for making me feel so included and accepted, best people ever to be riding with for my first big outing, and you have made it a certainty that i will be attending many more.
cant wait for next year to have a proper go at those spectacular roads Smile

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Rosco Mon Jun 20 2011, 09:59

Great write up Radar!

A few of additions -

DBD and I got wetter than a haddock's bathing costume on our way down through Dumfries-shire.

I also joined the post ride-out pootle where Nick showed us some 'low-speed' control that was fun, scary and a pleasure to try and keep up with. I trust you REALLY knew that road.

MrFrance, Littlecat, R2-D2, Dai-San & Gixersix for breaking your Yamaha-Thundercats.org - 'Something for the weekend' Group ride-out duck - Hope you'll come back for more.

Pam for all her post pub cheerio cuddles - trust you saved some for Steve Wink

Mandy, Pam and Linz for being great pillions - Trust you can fill us in on the scenery we missed.

DBD for enduring me the weekend especially after we got back to camp only for me to insist we take chairs outside to have another tinny only for me to almost immediately enter a a sleep induced coma.

Rob and Linz for looking after me and DBD and enduring our late night sniggering as I drunkenly tried to enter the mummy sleeping bag on top of an airbed very nearly resulting in a backwards roll.

Ellie for making 4 grown men endure an emotional rollercoaster of 'I hope she's ok, oh god I hope she is ok' to 'wait till I get my hands on her - I'm gonna kill her!'

Radar for his accurate observations and entertaining post ride summary and vote of thanks.

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Humour : Oh Go On Then
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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  ellie Mon Jun 20 2011, 10:13

Ellie for making 4 grown men endure an emotional rollercoaster of 'I hope she's ok, oh god I hope she is ok' to 'wait till I get my hands on her - I'm gonna kill her!'

So sorry I caused you chaps to worry, next time I'll wait for you to catch up green smile

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Radar Mon Jun 20 2011, 20:19

robertcains wrote:Brilliant mate, just brilliant as usual, btw those budgie smugglers were expertly removed by their owner Cards at the dining table (without taking his trousers off either!!!) just seconds before you modeled them as a balaclava pmsl

So it wasn't brown sauce... Shocked

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Dirt Bike Dave Mon Jun 20 2011, 20:28

Rosco wrote:You're sad Chris - Do you only post up at 8:48 now?

Well spotted Rosco..
Im sure that was purely accidental..NOT!
I was gonna wait 'till 99 mins past 9 to post up too but might be a long wait!

In a previous existance i may have known the Bouncer.

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Dirt Bike Dave
Dirt Bike Dave

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  yamahamad Mon Jun 20 2011, 21:35

Sounds like you all had a fantastic weekend.
Great write up radar.

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Radar Tue Jun 21 2011, 19:22

It was a cracking weekend, the dodgy weather maybe even adding a certain someting...

I have added a few pics too


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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  kwakkat Tue Jun 21 2011, 20:51

brown sauce brown sauce i,l have you know it was DADDIE,S
please great

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  ellie Wed Jun 22 2011, 09:52

Ace Pics Tony!!

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  greencat Thu Jun 23 2011, 01:31

Yep, excellent write up and pics Tony

I'm not just a 'cat, I'm an IAMs  'cat.  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  firemaster Thu Jun 23 2011, 08:51

Im jealous, work is really messing with my social life.
glad you all had a good time

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Radar Fri Jun 24 2011, 17:00

firemaster wrote:Im jealous, work is really messing with my social life.
glad you all had a good time

Try and make one of the meets, they all seem excellent

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Dirt Bike Dave Fri Jun 24 2011, 20:47

Radar wrote:
firemaster wrote:Im jealous, work is really messing with my social life.
glad you all had a good time

Try and make one of the meets, they all seem excellent

Absolutely, over the years I've been on a fair few and can honestly say you are guaranteed a damn good days riding and an absolute scream at the social pre and post ride get togethers in the pub. I dunno what it is about this site but it just seems to attract all the good ppl!!
I've met an made many good friends over the years. Friends i expect to see and ride with for many years to come. One of the best decisions I ever made was to get a thundercat and join this group.

In a previous existance i may have known the Bouncer.

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Dirt Bike Dave
Dirt Bike Dave

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  mechy69 Sat Jun 25 2011, 09:24

Yes Dave but you have just turned into a Fazer bully, just cause some other fool bought an italian fragile machine , you think you can just gang up on certain innocent bikes that just happen to be in front of you, lol

As dave says above the mmets are absolutly brilliant, even if you own italian scrap metal (not sure there is much metal in them), you could even be awarded a numpty point as well eh!! (revenge will be mine !!!!!)

Best thing i ever did was join this group, made some real friends , and have a bloody good time , enough said

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Dai-San Mon Jun 27 2011, 17:39

Any more Pics or Vids to come, I distinctly remember someone parked up by the side of the road snapping people going past ponder

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Radar Mon Jun 27 2011, 18:40

Dai-San wrote:Any more Pics or Vids to come, I distinctly remember someone parked up by the side of the road snapping people going past ponder

That was Rosco, I wonder if he got all of us?

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Rosco Mon Jun 27 2011, 20:51

Erm.....I'm on it (albeit a bit slowly)

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Radar Mon Jun 27 2011, 23:11

Rosco wrote:Erm.....I'm on it (albeit a bit slowly)

No worries, good man!

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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  Rosco Sat Jul 02 2011, 01:09

The order of appearance is

1. Robertcains
2. Dai-San
3. GixerSix
4. Mr France
5. Radar & Mandy
6. Stevecat & Pam
7. Ellie
8. R2D2
9. Mechy69 flipping me the bird
10. & 11. The Ducati sisters. Black-Greencat, Red-DirtBikeDave
12. BigNige
13. Littlecat - I was waving you on not pulling you over.
14. 0ldcat

Video - Little Ninja
Photos - Rosco - HERE

ooops - 12b & 12c - Pete & Fred - see @ 20:36

Last edited by Rosco on Mon Jul 04 2011, 01:39; edited 2 times in total

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Number of posts : 6662
Humour : Oh Go On Then
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Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!! Empty Re: Bishops Castle 3. Review and Pictures!!

Post  ellie Sat Jul 02 2011, 06:53

Brill Ross!

Superb weekend, bring on TOL

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