Yamaha Thundercats
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Welcome & Forum Information

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Welcome & Forum Information Empty Welcome & Forum Information

Post  Founder Thu Nov 06 2008, 03:41

Welcome One and All to Yamaha Thundercats.

Guests & Potential New Members

This forum has been set up to continue and enhance a site that has existed since 2001 in various places and differing formats. Because of functionality and closure of these previous sites we moved here on 5th November 2008.
We hope you enjoy your visit and wish to stick around for a long time to come.

Your view of the forums and topics will be restricted until you have registered and activated your membership. This is done to prevent spamming and malicious postings.
Until you have registered you will be able to read some of the threads but unable to post or take part.

Once you have registered, you will receive an  e-mail with an activation link which you should follow to complete the opening of your membership account. If you do not follow this activation link, you may encounter problems signing in with your password and/or user-name.

Once you have signed in for the first time you will receive an automated welcome Personal Message (PM). This shows up on the navigation bar at the top of all pages within the forum as a flashing yellow/red button, showing you have a Welcome & Forum Information Anim_n10.

We are a friendly and social bunch, and mostly insane. We do weekend trips to Wales, Scotland, Lincolnshire, The Lakes, The West Country or anywhere else we think deserves the pleasure of our company, see How About Something for the Weekend.
There are also occasional local, area and regional meet ups and day runs out. It would be great to see you along on any one of them, or if you can afford the time ALL of these events.
Activities can however, slow down a bit in the winter months, that said, not everyone packs up in the "off season" and there are the ODD hardy souls who still venture out in the cold & damp. Of course online activity continues even on the snowiest of days.

So, once you have registered and signed in, have a good browse around and see what is happening on the threads and in your neck of the woods.

Registration is FREE, fast and uncomplicated, and as previously mentioned you will receive an email with destructions on how to activate your membership. If this mail does not make it to your main 'In Box' please check your junk/spam mail box for it.

A small ask . . . just before posting on the forums, please take a few moments to look at, and read the
Site Etiquette thread. Thank You. Oh and do please drop by the new members welcomes within the Senate and say hello. You'll get a warm welcome

Please have a good look round and get a feel for the place.

If you wish to give feedback you can do so in the "site suggestions" forum.

Please be honest and constructive with your comments. Thank you.

Once again a hearty WELCOME to one and all, take part, enjoy and have fun.

Last edited by 0ldcat on Tue Mar 31 2020, 15:43; edited 11 times in total (Reason for editing : updated info)

Male Status :

Number of posts : 5229
Registration date : 2008-11-05


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