Yamaha Thundercats
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What happened to Wales?

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What happened to Wales?  Empty What happened to Wales?

Post  mrfrance Mon Dec 09 2019, 16:00

I remember on one of the trips 2 or 3 years, it was rumoured to be the last one... but I thought this was just a joke surely?!

Is BC not happening anymore? :(

P.S. Hello! Sorry it's been a while!!

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Number of posts : 1198
Registration date : 2011-05-15

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What happened to Wales?  Empty Re: What happened to Wales?

Post  SteveCat Mon Dec 09 2019, 19:40

Hello Paul, maybe the title could include what's happened to you? Smile

Good to hear from you, what you been up to?

Yeah, BC is on a sabbatical. However Tony (Radar) is organising a ride around 'his patch', lots of interest maybe you can have a look see if you could make it.

You biking again or is it hire for an event?

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Number of posts : 5110
Humour : You've gotta be joking
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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What happened to Wales?  Empty Re: What happened to Wales?

Post  mrfrance Mon Dec 09 2019, 19:47

Haha yes it has been a while! As long as dates are ok, I'm sure Alleycat Alex and I will be along for that! Long overdue!

Good to hear from you too. I've picked up a winter hack TDM 850 as I had an impulsive moment so back to bikes!! I'm planning to get a multistrada once Alleycat has built my extension and garage, hopefully by the summer. I've just been building my family, career and houses etc. just the usual life getting on stuff. Not had time for bikes and awaiting spinal fusion surgery so stayed away from heavy bikes.

Hope you and Pamela are well. How's your non-smoking going? Helmet Dave has given up proper! Will try and get him along on the ride too.


Male Status :

Number of posts : 1198
Registration date : 2011-05-15

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