Yamaha Thundercats
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- FOUND - Good Water Pump for 1997 TCAT, Cash Waiting

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- FOUND - Good Water Pump for 1997 TCAT, Cash Waiting Empty - FOUND - Good Water Pump for 1997 TCAT, Cash Waiting

Post  uniquetcatfreak Mon May 30 2016, 17:48


I was nearly on the road with this project (started 9 months ago) and I noticed a few drops of coolant from the drain hole on the bottom of the water pump...

I've removed the faulty one, the seal looks good and rather than do the job twice (and as the water has ingress'd internally in the pump to then come out the drain hole) I think it's better to replace it with a known good component.

I have a target date to be on the road by the end of the month...

Hoping someone can help please?

Thanks in advance,

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Registration date : 2015-07-09

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