Yamaha Thundercats
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Project Thundercat - not much left to do

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Project Thundercat - not much left to do Empty Project Thundercat - not much left to do

Post  fr3tless Sat Jul 19 2014, 12:06

It's come to the time where I just don't have the time or money to spend on my thundercat, it's currently a non runner in my garage. I have a spare engine for it (with a knackered 2nd gear) and a new (used) stator motor.

I posted a couple of weeks back about the bike not running properly, hence the reason I bought the stator - the reason I haven't changed it over is simply due to time and I might have accidentally put a deposit down on a new bike yesterday so need the money as soon as.

I'm open to any offers, so long as they're reasonable, call or text me on 07817286978 if you've got any questions,


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Registration date : 2013-08-27

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