Yamaha Thundercats
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The Chat Box

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The Chat Box Empty The Chat Box

Post  Founder Sat May 30 2020, 12:52

Hi folks, 

Just to remind people, the forum has a "Live" chatbox situated at the bottom of the home&forum pages. 
Click on the word "chatbox" and you will be redirected to the chat where you can chat (type) in real time to other members. 
Don't forget, when you get to the chatbox you will need to login to the chatbox {top right corner of the window - it's not very clear in neon green sorry} and then before leaving the chat box you will need to sign out in the same way (top right corner again in lime green lettering) otherwise even though getting timed out of chat, you'll still show as being in the chatbox.

A function long forgotten about, but perhaps useful in these lockdown days and when perhaps you wish to discuss a problem and solution between two owners. 

Cheers and hope you are all well. 
Stay Safe out there. 
Best Regards
Tel  Toff

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Number of posts : 5229
Registration date : 2008-11-05


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