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WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe

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WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe Empty WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe

Post  Radar Tue May 12 2015, 23:59

The first (and as it turned out only) day of riding got underway once we had all enjoyed a hearty breakfast, skilfully prepared by the highly organised Mally, with Rosco 'helping'.
Joining us for the ride out with five members of Terry's 'Dad's Army' platoon so in total we had an impressive total of 19 bikes in a line as we streamed out of broadmeadows.

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Terry's massive...aka @dad's Army'...

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The roll out

We then proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes wondering around the streets of Selkirk as we tried to pick our way around all the road blocks and closures that were unexpectedly in force. There was a mountain bike race going on and it was causing us a few problems...at one point we even managed to turn all 19 bikes into a cul-se-sac! I could almost hear the Benny Hill music in my head as we bumbled our way around the town trying desperately to escape! Terry even issued one of his pet 'I'm bored' statements as we finally marshalled the troops on the outskirts of Selkirk in a petrol station.

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The forum lost in....Selkirk

But before too much longer we had broken out the 'Twilight Zone' and we were soon bombing along the A7. It was no hardship to find myself on this lovely road once again. The weather was a little overcast, but no matter the pace was brisk and I had a smile on my face. As usual the junction marking system was working well and the group was keeping together well with Billy and Karen doing a grand job as TECs. Always a tough job, especially two up. I was in group that include Athol on his sublime KTM RC8, must say that I really like the look of these and one would make a natural progression from my Duke when the time comes. The pace was snappy, but not stupidly so and Rosco on BMW F650 was hanging on admirably even going prone on a few sections in bid to extract every last drop from his poor little Beemer...he reminded me of a spotty 16 year old trying to squeeze one last mph out of a screaming Fizzy back in day! Considering the number of machines involved the line was not too badly strung out at all.
Today we headed towards Cockermouth, sneaking poor Davey into England, a place he generally tries to avoid if at all possible! At least we were taking him somewhere with a comedy name...

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Cockermouth...impressive old building, turns out a friend of mine works in there...small world

We duly arrived in the midst of their annual Georgian Festival and the main Street was lined with people and re-enactors in bright period costume. Rosco wasted no time in leaping off his poor over strained F650 and joining the fun. He looks pretty old fashioned and blended in really well...

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Can you spot Rosco??

It was here that we managed a first, even for a Thundercat forum ride out. We generally loose a rider here or there, or somebody decides to follow the wrong ride out (Rosco BC4...),  however on this occasion we managed to get the whole group separated from the lead rider! Terry had disappeared off into the ether somewhere so it was that 18 bikes rolled into the car park of a local furniture store and parked to wait for his return, much to the staffs bemusement who had not seen the like before I would imagine.
It was here that a XC800, the mount of one of the Dad's Army platoon ( I think it was Fraser as he was ' doooomed'), decided to poop it's pants and break down. But the rest of the platoon sprang into action like the finely honed crack unit they are and soon had it running again. It reminded me of when they all rallied to fix Jones butchers van..

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The striken XC receives emergency open heart surgery...ok they jingled the main fuse a bit...

Once the elusive Terry returned we all mounted up and rode out the furniture shop car park as the staff continued to look on slack jawed, We didn't even buy a wardrobe, even though I am sure one would of been quicker than Rosco's BMW.....

As we left Cockermouth the weather started to close in but this didn't seem to dampen spirits too much as we stopped to take in the views and take a few pictures here and there. Even Davey had to grudgingly admit that not all of England is terrible!

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Bikes in front of a Lake...

The roads became more 'technical' now...tighter, twisting bucking and weaving across the countryside. Quite a few of the pack enjoy this type of running. Gill and Ian, both relatively new riders were doing brilliantly as was Billy with his wife Karen on the back for one of her first outing as a pillion.. The conditions were not ideal as we battled our way towards the peak of the Hartside Pass. This would be an awesome run on a decent day, and was still great fun even in the gusting winds and driving rain.. It was a shame this fantastic road could not be exploited more fully, but there will be other days to try this hopefully.
I will tell what is no fun though, cycling in these conditions, we passed loads of lycra clad cyclists bravely battling up the pass. Give me a bike where I am not the primary power source any day of the week!

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The traditional all Thundercat shot...only three this time...

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The cafe was a welcome sight

The cafe was really busy, but it was welcoming, warm and dry as we all took the chance to thaw out over a decent brew. from here Gill. Ian, Billy and Karen decide to hang on a bit longer to recover. Billy in particular as TEC had enjoyed very little chance to stop and rest all morning, as he was always the last one into any rest halts etc. Robcat on the R1 had also decided to head for the warmth of Broadmeadows as he had no water proofs with him. Good call!

So now we only numbered 15 as we continued the ride wending our way back to base.. The afternoon continued in same vein as the later part of the morning on generally tighter, twisty roads; instead of taking the A7 itself we took an alternative road that sort of runs in parallel to it. My Thundercat, one of only three in attendance this weekend, continued to run beautifully as it had all day. Sadly the same could not be said of the XC that once again died. Same problem , same fix...something to do with the main fuse apparently. This caused the ride to break up a little later in the afternoon and by the time we returned to base were in groups of 2, 3 or 4 rather than one cohesive line.
It had been a demanding days riding, still great fun and good to see some of the Lake district again: I had last ridden there as a young lad in the 1980's on my CB100N and RD350YPVS, so it good to re-visit places that I had not seen in a long time.

That evening we all gathered for a superb group meal in the imposing dining room, Karen and Rosco whipping up some delicious brisquetta and  risotto for us all to enjoy, while DBD backed here up with a tasty chilly and pasta. We like to do things with panache in the Thundercat forum you know...
Once again the rest of the evening was passed in front of a roaring log fire, sitting room filled with the sound of laughter, chatting and merriment as the drink flowed and hours whizzed by. Days likes like these should be savoured and remembered, they really should.
The next morning we awoke to a scene dominated by howling winds and driving rain, so only those who had to leave today ventured out on their bikes. Mally, Athol and Darren heading home. Athol driving through the most enormous  puddle before he even got off the drive poor sod...Good to meet them all, and top marks to Mally for a gritty ride after difficult start to his weekend. Atholtoo had ridden all weekend with one arm heavily bandaged.
Not riding today whilst a disappointment was not the end of the world, we enjoyed a pool tournament where Rosco and I swept all aside who dared to challenge us, despite Gill putting up a valiant fight, hampered as she was by Ian who couldn't hit the inside of a phone box if you locked him in...

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He looked the part...

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'Sniper' Gill and her able assistant...

A larger group of us also head to the nearby town of Galashiels and spent a fantastic afternoon in the pub. Wasting an afternoon down the boozer is something I rarely get to do and it was great!

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140 rip snorting horses, our mount for the trip to Galshiels...

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They let anybody in you know...

Our last evening was much like the last and no worse for it. Karen, Rosco and DBD again cooking up a storm for us all to enjoy. As on previous nights everybody mucked in to set up and clear up, even little Euan rocking up with a pair of marigolds on to help out with the washing up, bless him!
Ok, so we didn't ride anywhere but one thing that I learnt about this fantastic forum over the years is that is about way more than just the bikes, maintenance tips and blasting around the countryside. More importantly it is about a great bunch of people that have been brought together. Without the forum we would not of known each other, it is a funny old world when you start to think about it. So a day enjoying the craic in grand company is just as good as getting out on the bikes.

The last morning we had to manage to make breakfast without Mally, but Rosco coped admirably despite my feeble attempts to assist. I was sad when I  mounted my bike for the long ride home. But the sun was out once more, the roads dry and welcoming. Above all I rode off with my memory banks topped up with some great times once again!

Thanks to all who helped organise a fantastic weekend, to those who cooked and those who just rocked up it was a blast!

Last edited by Radar on Wed May 13 2015, 16:46; edited 1 time in total

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WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe Empty Re: WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe

Post  SteveCat Wed May 13 2015, 12:26

Radar wrote: I could almost hear the Benny Hill music in my head as we bumbled our way around the town trying desperately to escape!

Something like this Tony?


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WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe Empty Re: WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe

Post  Radar Wed May 13 2015, 16:58

Spot on, lol rofl2

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WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe Empty Re: WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe

Post  billyw Wed May 13 2015, 19:13

Radar wrote:
Ok, so we didn't ride anywhere but one thing that I learnt about this fantastic forum over the years is that is about way more than just the bikes, maintenance tips and blasting around the countryside. More importantly it is about a great bunch of people that have been brought together. Without the forum we would not of known each other, it is a funny old world when you start to think about it. So a day enjoying the craic in grand company is just as good as getting out on the bikes.

Totally agree Tony, in fact Karen and i had been saying the very same thing following the weekend.

Great write up although Karen has come out in hives at being described as my wife - rofl


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WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe Empty Re: WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe

Post  FatCat Wed May 13 2015, 20:35

Yep - great write up Tony, although few will believe the clearly fabricated story of my pool crappiness.... whistle  

And I think it's only fair to echo the thanks to Billy and Karen for the TEC job, and of course Rosco for organising the event.medal-1

Gill and I had a blast, even if it was mostly well behind everyone else doing the same. Thanks all!  Wink  thundercat

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WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe Empty Re: WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe

Post  0ldcat Thu May 14 2015, 00:40

Radar wrote:. . . one thing that I learnt about this fantastic forum over the years is that is about way more than just the bikes, maintenance tips and blasting around the countryside. More importantly it is about a great bunch of people that have been brought together. Without the forum we would not of known each other, it is a funny old world when you start to think about it.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Awww shucks  Embarassed , It fair warms me cockles to read such comments [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] left thumb up

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WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe Empty Re: WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe

Post  furball Thu May 14 2015, 15:26

Thanks for another cracking write up Tony green smile

PS: Love the video Steve, sums up getting lost realy well Laughing


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WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe Empty Re: WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe

Post  Rosco Thu May 14 2015, 18:02

Hi Tony.

Great write up as usual.

Thanks for penning it.


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WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe Empty Re: WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe

Post  Radar Thu May 14 2015, 23:00

billyw wrote:
Radar wrote:
Ok, so we didn't ride anywhere but one thing that I learnt about this fantastic forum over the years is that is about way more than just the bikes, maintenance tips and blasting around the countryside. More importantly it is about a great bunch of people that have been brought together. Without the forum we would not of known each other, it is a funny old world when you start to think about it. So a day enjoying the craic in grand company is just as good as getting out on the bikes.

Totally agree Tony, in fact Karen and i had been saying the very same thing following the weekend.

Great write up although Karen has come out in hives at being described as my wife - rofl


My apologies to Karen! Smile

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WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe Empty Re: WeeMac2015 - Part 2 - We Didn't Even Buy a Wardrobe

Post  Radar Thu May 14 2015, 23:02

Rosco wrote:Hi Tony.

Great write up as usual.

Thanks for penning it.


No problem, glad you enjoyed and thanks for organising it was brilliant (as was your cooking...)

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