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slip on exhausts

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slip on exhausts Empty slip on exhausts

Post  sir digby Mon Apr 07 2014, 13:51

Ok then lets have everyone's opinion on this iam picking up my R1 friday and with what feels like the longest 3 weeks of my life ive been looking for a end can for it so iam sure out of everyone on here we have or have had every make going so whats the best looking and sounds the best its a red black and white R1 with just the single exhaust my last can on the cat was a carbon can co and I liked the look and sound of that one. most are these modern stubbie ones on R1's not my cup of tea really.
Cheers mark.
sir digby
sir digby

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slip on exhausts Empty Re: slip on exhausts

Post  SteveCat Mon Apr 07 2014, 15:11

I've got a Blue Flame :5:Stainless Steel Tri-Oval with Twin Outlet on mine. Sounds good with the baffles in, I don't care for too much noise and they were a tad too much for me being out.

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slip on exhausts Empty Re: slip on exhausts

Post  Snowcat Mon Apr 07 2014, 22:22

Love my MTC black oval single outlet, friend has the twin outlet MTC on his R1 and it sounds the Bollards, baffle in or out, British made, (by a friend) and quality materials, (I supply them).

But I'm not biased. Yoshi, Akra, Blue Flame, Micron all good pipes, depends what you want from it. (and what you are prepared to pay.

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slip on exhausts Empty Re: slip on exhausts

Post  Tom... Mon Apr 07 2014, 22:34

I've had both a Scorpion and a Yoshi RS3. The Scorpion is just wildly loud and gruff all over (until I re-packed it tighter), whereas the Yoshi is actually very subtle to around 6k rpm, which makes motorways pleasant. Past 6k the Yoshi becomes an animal, in the best possible way. I think, ultimately, AFAIK, you can 'tune' most exhausts by re-packing, and when you tighten the wire binding around the packing, the tighter you tie it, the less raspy and aggressive the end can will sound. I think the main factor in aftermarket cans is badge and material quality.

All of the above isn't guaranteed to be technically correct, it's simply my experience thus far. Please correct me when someone understands more!

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slip on exhausts Empty Re: slip on exhausts

Post  past-it Mon Apr 07 2014, 23:37

2nd for MTC cans, well made and sound good,(a little spit back on the overrun from high rev's). Even bought one for the wifes Fazer(sounds better than mine)

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slip on exhausts Empty Re: slip on exhausts

Post  sir digby Tue Apr 08 2014, 00:14

Ok ill have a look into the mtc ones not heard of them really but its not about the badge just the look and sound not too loud
sir digby
sir digby

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Humour : if iam put on life support machine turn it off and on again see if that works
Registration date : 2011-04-19


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