Yamaha Thundercats
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hmm what to do?

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hmm what to do? Empty hmm what to do?

Post  mrfrance Fri Nov 15 2013, 10:40

Not sure what I'm going to achieve by writing this on here but hoping it will help that I have thought it out loud...

I am umming and arrrring about taking my bike off the road for the winter. I have use of a car but just much prefer being on the bike. The Ace is in need of some tlc as it is getting on a bit! I would like to rebuild the top block, get new discs and rebuild rear caliper and I really need a new front tyre and chain and sprockets but with xmas around the corner it's not ideal timing. The bike probably needs a lot more than I have listed as it's only had basic servicing since I've had it.

My dilemma is that I'll probably slip into depression like I did when I sold the cat lol ..plus the bike will be stored outside under a cover! I can put on paddock stand and put something under front tyre... is this enough? Or is there a good chance I'll be faced with a lot more work once winter is over?


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hmm what to do? Empty Re: hmm what to do?

Post  SteveCat Fri Nov 15 2013, 11:47

Catch situation Paul.
The front tyre is a worry and for me would be the decider to park up or ride as much as you can through winter. Lifting the bike off the tyres will help with flat spots, if you keep the old tyre on I guess it don't really matter, it whacked anyway.
There are other concerns leaving the bike stand, especially on a bike getting on a bit. Bearing, brakes and other items which should move may seize up. I think that was an issue with Stevecat1, I had every intention of riding it but neither bike was used after I went and did my shoulder in.

ACF50 it either way though.

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hmm what to do? Empty Re: hmm what to do?

Post  mrfrance Fri Nov 15 2013, 12:25

Thanks Steve, that puts me in more of a dilemma now though! lol perhaps I should just scrap it and save up for new one Shocked 

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Number of posts : 1198
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hmm what to do? Empty Re: hmm what to do?

Post  bobh Fri Nov 15 2013, 22:19

Paul - Either you love it enough to keep it and cherish it, or you don't - in which case get it on eBay now, while the sun's still (sort-of) shining.

Just my 2p-worth, anyhow - Bob

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Registration date : 2008-11-09

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hmm what to do? Empty Re: hmm what to do?

Post  mrfrance Sat Nov 16 2013, 09:25

Yes you are right Bob I think I'm better off keeping it and just riding it until it won't go! ...came home to a nice cheque for a £800 tax rebate yesterday! so that solves the tyre problem Smile

Cheers for your thoughts guys!

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Number of posts : 1198
Registration date : 2011-05-15

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hmm what to do? Empty Re: hmm what to do?

Post  bobh Sat Nov 16 2013, 22:57

Ah, excellent, Paul.

I've just found out I owe the taxman some money - but maybe the winter fuel allowance will cover it - in one pocket, out the other. slap'ed

As to the question of laying up the bike, I'm a firm believer in giving a bike a decent run on a regular basis, say at least 50 miles once a month. Down in the soft south we do usually get the occasional dry day when you won't pick up too much salt, and a quick rinse followed by a squirt of FS365 should keep the worst at bay.

Male Status :

Number of posts : 801
Hobbies : Retired engineer
Humour : Yes please (did I answer the wrong question?)
Registration date : 2008-11-09

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