Yamaha Thundercats
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Meet with Roll the Bones

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Meet with Roll the Bones Empty Meet with Roll the Bones

Post  YZFJohn Sun Aug 12 2012, 20:00

Had the worst journey ever to Sunny Hunny to meet with Danny and Friends. Blistering heat and had to filter for about 10miles.

Anyway it was good to meet Danny again. Thanks for the chips bud.
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Meet with Roll the Bones Empty Re: Meet with Roll the Bones

Post  Roll The Bones Sun Aug 12 2012, 23:04

Just got back from the bbq and a bit p1ssed, whiskey and beer. Should have taken a picture from behind you John. A lot more pleasant! Very Happy
Might have been edited though. censored

A little bit eventful coming back but made it ok. left thumb up
Roll The Bones
Roll The Bones

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Number of posts : 434
Registration date : 2011-05-09

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