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travel insurance

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travel insurance Empty travel insurance

Post  terry lees Mon Apr 11 2011, 16:13

Hi All, Its me banging on about insurance again. I've been trying to get personal acc./ medical cover for my annual bike trip to Spain, tried quite a few companies and none would provide cover if injured whilst driving a bike over 125cc, anyway eventualy got fixed up with AGE UK who do provide cover. I know we're all covered to a certain extent with our European health insurance card but its only basic cover and certainly would'nt include repatriation. So for those planning a european trip, please check the small print of your policy.
terry lees
terry lees

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travel insurance Empty Re: travel insurance

Post  0ldcat Mon Apr 11 2011, 22:15

Carole Nash also do specific BIKER holiday personal health insurance. It is extra to your bike policy and you need to ask for a seperate quote for it. They can provide either a short term or an annual policy.
Perhaps not the cheapest on the market, but it IS bike holiday (tour ~ short trip) specific product.

No I don't work for them or get a kick back for mentioning it here. I have used these policies in the past and took extra care to ensure I was being sold the right thing AND read the policy (inc small print).

Bottom line is if you don't need or use it, or any policy you have it was just an unwelcome extra cost. But what cost peace of mind in case you should be unfortunate and need the cover / assistance such a policy provides.

I'll re-inforce Tezs statement above though . . . Where ever you do get your medi-cover DO read the small print. Don't trust to the sales rep to have "whoops" unwhittingly mis-sold you a usless product.

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