Down.... down....
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Down.... down....
... deeper and down.
Is it just me or is anyone else p!ssed off
I am SO fed up. Everything is such a long way away it's too soon to look forward to anything (and i don't really count Springfield Bike Show at Spalding next week as anything to get excited about although at least there's no helmet park for me to help out on, not that i did much last year)! I don't think my new year was helped by my ex husband being Mr T.WAT - informed me he'd left the area :whoop: - didn't tell me he hadn't informed his landlord who reported him missing a few days later and i had the police on my doorstep when i was at work asking if I lived here (er you'd think they'd know!!! ) anyway it all got rather tiring blah blah blah suffice to say that in my opinion the argyll and sutherland highlanders have a lot to answer for ... like why couldn't they have left him somewhere abroad! My mood not improved by the fact that i'm knackered as one of the dept got man-flu - the other 2 were off so i had to run myself ragged rearranging and covering appointments .... i've put on loads of weight over christmas (yes ok i can't blame that on anyone) Ezzy is sulking because she's been ignored for the past month - i've had 4 people not turn up for appointments the last couple of days .... one of which involved me driving from Lincoln to Grantham at possibly slightly faster than i should have been in the works car - it's bloody ignorant thats what i say.
... and the Spawn is out on his bicycle and is still not home!
Thank you for listening i'll go back in my box now .... so long as there's room for me in there with the elk and the ambiguity!
Is it just me or is anyone else p!ssed off
I am SO fed up. Everything is such a long way away it's too soon to look forward to anything (and i don't really count Springfield Bike Show at Spalding next week as anything to get excited about although at least there's no helmet park for me to help out on, not that i did much last year)! I don't think my new year was helped by my ex husband being Mr T.WAT - informed me he'd left the area :whoop: - didn't tell me he hadn't informed his landlord who reported him missing a few days later and i had the police on my doorstep when i was at work asking if I lived here (er you'd think they'd know!!! ) anyway it all got rather tiring blah blah blah suffice to say that in my opinion the argyll and sutherland highlanders have a lot to answer for ... like why couldn't they have left him somewhere abroad! My mood not improved by the fact that i'm knackered as one of the dept got man-flu - the other 2 were off so i had to run myself ragged rearranging and covering appointments .... i've put on loads of weight over christmas (yes ok i can't blame that on anyone) Ezzy is sulking because she's been ignored for the past month - i've had 4 people not turn up for appointments the last couple of days .... one of which involved me driving from Lincoln to Grantham at possibly slightly faster than i should have been in the works car - it's bloody ignorant thats what i say.
... and the Spawn is out on his bicycle and is still not home!
Thank you for listening i'll go back in my box now .... so long as there's room for me in there with the elk and the ambiguity!
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Re: Down.... down....
OOo can I join the p!ssed off crew too? Yup, I'm feeling totally the same way... and I've also put on loads of weight over Christmas (which I'm blaming on EVERYONE - cos I can!) so am slightly perturbed that I'm never going to manage to squish myself back into my leathers in the next decade!! Could be some interesting rideouts - eeew!
We obviously need to organise a weekend away or summat - to rejuvenate our minds (and kill our livers) :drunken: - though where to do this is evading me at the moment - however if anyone has any ideas - then just tell me where! Ooh and whilst you're at it, please could someone arrange some weather for this summer? Pweease
And Suzie... you can't seriously think you'd get away with pretending you're an - I nearly choked on my coffee
Fi xxx
We obviously need to organise a weekend away or summat - to rejuvenate our minds (and kill our livers) :drunken: - though where to do this is evading me at the moment - however if anyone has any ideas - then just tell me where! Ooh and whilst you're at it, please could someone arrange some weather for this summer? Pweease
And Suzie... you can't seriously think you'd get away with pretending you're an - I nearly choked on my coffee
Fi xxx
Wild-Kat-Wolf- 3Gold
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Re: Down.... down....
I'm a poor tired chunky little lambkin and yes i am an - am i not small, sweet, quiet, gentle and generally in possession of every angelic quality excepting the harp/halo/wings and dogdy toga??? WELL?? (I'm sure there was a bulls&*t smilie on here at one time!)
As for weights and leather - i said to Neil the other day something along the lines of 'do you think i've put on too much weight to get into my leathers' expecting him to say - 'of course not' - what did he say - 'well you said they were tight last time you put them on - how tight were they then?' - i nearly decked the f r
On top of all that i'm having serious concerns about whether i can still ride my bike! In fact i was seriously considering flogging her an buying a 400 bandit of all things to see if i'd be able do a bloody u turn on that - and i know i can do one on Ez anyway if i paddle i just keep thinking of that arsewipe at that course last year - i think i ride my bike fine but as soon as someone tells me i can't thats it - think it's time for a kick up the arse from the Rev Amos failing which Tel please send the boys round to give me a good kicking (unless that is i really CAN'T ride my bike )
Oh.... last news on T. Wat was a text asking if i'd be able to collect his kilt, skein dubh (or however you spell it) and Glengarry from the landlord!!
Suze :evil2:
As for weights and leather - i said to Neil the other day something along the lines of 'do you think i've put on too much weight to get into my leathers' expecting him to say - 'of course not' - what did he say - 'well you said they were tight last time you put them on - how tight were they then?' - i nearly decked the f r
On top of all that i'm having serious concerns about whether i can still ride my bike! In fact i was seriously considering flogging her an buying a 400 bandit of all things to see if i'd be able do a bloody u turn on that - and i know i can do one on Ez anyway if i paddle i just keep thinking of that arsewipe at that course last year - i think i ride my bike fine but as soon as someone tells me i can't thats it - think it's time for a kick up the arse from the Rev Amos failing which Tel please send the boys round to give me a good kicking (unless that is i really CAN'T ride my bike )
Oh.... last news on T. Wat was a text asking if i'd be able to collect his kilt, skein dubh (or however you spell it) and Glengarry from the landlord!!
Suze :evil2:
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Re: Down.... down....
an,t PMT a b-----d
as it says in the song
things can only get better YOU WONNER BET
PS & now the weathermen say we are going to have a red hot summer
thats f--ked it then dam & the boat shows just finished
as it says in the song
things can only get better YOU WONNER BET
PS & now the weathermen say we are going to have a red hot summer
thats f--ked it then dam & the boat shows just finished
kwakkat- 4Gold
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Re: Down.... down....
Ezzy's Mum! wrote:... As for weights and leather - i said to Neil the other day something along the lines of 'do you think i've put on too much weight to get into my leathers' expecting him to say - 'of course not' - what did he say - 'well you said they were tight last time you put them on - how tight were they then?' - i nearly decked the f r
Wow, Neil is one brave lad! That's the loaded question the only answer to which is a non-commital grunt before heading rapidly to the nearest pub...
I'm not even going to go anywhere near Cards comment, waaaay too dangerous :silent: however the news that the weather forecasters have promised us a warm summer... er didn't they say that last year?
As for time out WKW, sounds good to me although unfortunately it's a touch inclement the weather for any ride out just yet! However, Rosco any thoughts on Wee Mac and a rough idea of date just to give us summat to look forward to?
And Suzie, you can ride a bike that smeghead had no idea what he was talking about... ffs he managed to stall a thundercat more than once!!! Personally I don't rate his skills so he who lives in glasshouses and all that...
Keep safe, and keep warm one and all!
tcat_unlucky_alf- 1Silver
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Re: Down.... down....
Cheers Alfie - and as for LYTP's comment - well i'll reserve the right to reply when i see you in person young man!!!!
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Re: Down.... down....
dam that hacker gets me to so much trouble lol
i,l follow you again with full beam on again suzie
i,l follow you again with full beam on again suzie
kwakkat- 4Gold
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Re: Down.... down....
that mean you,l have to take your hands off the bars
suzie & that means you have no control over the motor cycle
but then again will that make a differance lol
if i,m getting a battering might as well make it worth it
suzie & that means you have no control over the motor cycle
but then again will that make a differance lol
if i,m getting a battering might as well make it worth it
kwakkat- 4Gold
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Registration date : 2008-11-06
Re: Down.... down....
You cheeky (how did i manage without all these smilies )
Just coz i fell for your charm the first time i met you :sarc: - i only did it the once... next time i'll land on your toe
Just coz i fell for your charm the first time i met you :sarc: - i only did it the once... next time i'll land on your toe
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