Yamaha Thundercats
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The Old Homestead (msn)

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The Old Homestead (msn) Empty The Old Homestead (msn)

Post  0ldcat Sun Jan 11 2009, 00:04

Hi Folks,

Just to inform you all that the old thundercat site has now been migrated to Multiply and you can find it by clicking on the link to its new home.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Of course multiply want you to join their community just to join the group again (which I had to do to host the thing). So unless you want to access the group for any info, or to retrieve photos or albums, it's up to you whether you do or not.

All the photo albums were successfully transfered over (of which there are 293), some with only 1 picture in some with many more.

All the posts have made it over (they call them blogs), of which there were 9038 main headdings (doesn't count the replies to the blogs which are labled as "comments") and are all in one lump as a whacking great list, not in the format they were in on msn, ie message boards.

That's fine and dandy if you're used to social networking sites such as Multiply or Facebook and already have a grasp of Blogging (I didn't until migrating the msn site, so can only guess there might be others in the same boat Embarassed ).

There is a search engine there where you can search "blogs" for your relevent ... errr .. um ... search, but you can't search just thundercats, blogs, you will be searching ALL blogs in all Multiply groups. It's quick at it, but you can imagine you get loads of answer results and therefore need a search for your search results scratch , if that make sense confused .

All the links we had in msn made it too (there were 62 of them - some so old you've gotta blow the dust off 'em), but many of those you can still find in other search engines such as google etc. if you really want.

So in summary ;

  • thundercat made it to Multiply, it's there if you need to access it.
  • You have to join Multiply if you wish to do so.
  • You will have to PM me (@ multiply) to re-join the group there.
  • All ex site info,photo's and links are intact, if lumped together, - good luck with searches.
  • There is a search facillity - see up one line stars .
  • It's hosted by me, so look for my profile if you get lost, 0ldcat@multiply .

Just thought you'd like to know. ........

Oh, eh-hem Embarassed yeah, I look a right sad git 'cos I'm the only Billy No Mates member of the group lol!


Last edited by 0ldcat on Sun Jan 11 2009, 18:53; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Tidy things up a bit)

Male Status :

Number of posts : 5229
Hobbies : Motorcycling, Cooking, Rugby
Humour : It shrank in the wash
Registration date : 2008-11-05


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The Old Homestead (msn) Empty Re: The Old Homestead (msn)

Post  westie Sun Jan 11 2009, 20:26

Is a blog just a log in a bog Shocked

Male Status :

Number of posts : 164
Hobbies : Retired into DIY & house renovation.
Humour : Yes
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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