Yamaha Thundercats
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Better late than never!

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Better late than never! Empty Better late than never!

Post  Guest Sat Jan 10 2009, 10:04

* Yawn - Stretch* Rolling Eyes
Erm... well I finally made it. Very natty looking site I must say - it will only take me approximately six months to navigate my way around!! For someone so involved in communications technology at work I'm such a techno-phobe Embarassed I'll get Si to teach me!!

Well all is well here Very Happy Been so busy, I don't know where the time has gone... scary really. Not been out on my bike really since Sept/Oct, but I rode a Ninja 250 at the NEC Bikeshow on the rideout, which was brilliant fun!! What a great ickle bike, muchos smiles.

The R6 is overdue it's MOT (oops slap'ed ), which will be sorted this month, so then I will be able to ride it again! I'm probably looking at selling my off road bike and gear in the Spring as I haven't been using it and it's such a great little bike I want it to be out there bringing a smile to someone elses face rather than sitting sadly in the garage.

Other than that, not much doing, but still seem to be really busy... how does that work?! Also just about to pay our final reservation fees for the Seacat to Isle of Man for the TT, robbing barstewards that Steam(s**t)packet Line grumpy !

Anyway's so all is well here... oh and thanks for the Christmas card Pete (Funderkat) though we don't have your address to return the favour!

Take care everybody.


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Better late than never! Empty Re: Better late than never!

Post  Founder Sat Jan 10 2009, 14:21

Hi Tigs,

Welcome aboard, glad you've made the 'spring' across Very Happy .

Site is a bit snazzy (compared to what we left behind), in it ? Even if I do say so myself.

I'm sure you'll soon pick up all the differences and use of all the gadgets'
Enjoy the gaff, see you around.

If we don't see you before, have a great time on the IoM TT.


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Number of posts : 5229
Registration date : 2008-11-05


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Better late than never! Empty Re: Better late than never!

Post  funderKat Sat Jan 10 2009, 20:15

aha! and there was me about to scribble you off my chrimbo card list for next year... Wink

Good to hear you both OK and hope to catch up with you before too long.

Male Status :

Number of posts : 85
Hobbies : self employed tea boy.
Humour : is definitely desirable.
Registration date : 2008-11-17

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