Yamaha Thundercats
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101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat

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101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat Empty 101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat

Post  Rosco Wed Aug 26 2009, 14:12

Come on folks be honest and fill this list up! grumpy

I'll get the ball rolling

1. Headlight....A great day-time bike and a night-time bike that can light up the little bit of road in front of you and some of the sky above for some reason.

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Number of posts : 6662
Humour : Oh Go On Then
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat Empty Re: 101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat

Post  SteveCat Wed Aug 26 2009, 14:30

1. Headlight....A great day-time bike and a night-time bike that can light up the little bit of road in front of you and some of the sky above for some reason.
2. Brakes.... Fantastic when in good working order, but they are prone to seizing up (brand rather than a thundercat specific problem)
3. Gearbox.... Second gear can be problematic

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Number of posts : 5110
Humour : You've gotta be joking
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat Empty Re: 101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat

Post  MevsyD Wed Aug 26 2009, 17:51

1. Headlight....A great day-time bike and a night-time bike that can light up the little bit of road in front of you and some of the sky above for some reason.
2. Brakes.... Fantastic when in good working order, but they are prone to seizing up (brand rather than a specific problem)
3. Gearbox.... Second gear can be problematic
4 Headers... Or more importantly the little studs made from chocolate that break when trying to change them..Grrr!

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Number of posts : 717
Hobbies : Stone. Sell it..Love it...
Humour : Dry /sarcstic..
Registration date : 2008-11-07

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101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat Empty Re: 101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat

Post  morgy Wed Aug 26 2009, 20:02

1. Headlight....A great day-time bike and a night-time bike that can light up the little bit of road in front of you and some of the sky above for some reason.
2. Brakes.... Fantastic when in good working order, but they are prone to seizing up (brand rather than a specific problem)
3. Gearbox.... Second gear can be problematic
4 Headers... Or more importantly the little studs made from chocolate that break when trying to change them..Grrr
5.Rear shock........soft soft soft...blamange on a trampoline rofl

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Number of posts : 35
Registration date : 2009-08-17

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101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat Empty Re: 101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat

Post  boabythunder Thu Nov 05 2009, 22:35

1. Headlight....A great day-time bike and a night-time bike that can light up the little bit of road in front of you and some of the sky above for some reason.
2. Brakes.... Fantastic when in good working order, but they are prone to seizing up (brand rather than a specific problem)
3. Gearbox.... Second gear can be problematic
4 Headers... Or more importantly the little studs made from chocolate that break when trying to change them..Grrr
5.Rear shock........soft soft soft...blamange on a trampoline
6. Clutch mines is starting to slip on way back from college tonight when the power band kicks in at over 8k revs.....something to do over the winter.

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Number of posts : 8
Hobbies : service engineer
Humour : toilet humour, frankie boyle
Registration date : 2009-09-07


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101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat Empty Re: 101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat

Post  greencat Fri Nov 06 2009, 08:22

1. Headlight....A great day-time bike and a night-time bike that can light up the little bit of road in front of you and some of the sky above for some reason.
2. Brakes.... Fantastic when in good working order, but they are prone to seizing up (brand rather than a specific problem)
3. Gearbox.... Second gear can be problematic
4 Headers... Or more importantly the little studs made from chocolate that break when trying to change them..Grrr
5.Rear shock........soft soft soft...blamange on a trampoline
6. Clutch mines is starting to slip on way back from college tonight when the power band kicks in at over 8k revs.....something to do over the winter.
7. Fairing fixings...... esp the tab that holds all three panels together behind the front wheel, it eventually breaks off no matter how careful you are removing and replacing the panels

I'm not just a 'cat, I'm an IAMs  'cat.  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Number of posts : 1558
Hobbies : Computers/Landscape/Travel/Sleep
Humour : Lots of things make me laugh!
Registration date : 2008-11-08

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101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat Empty Re: 101 (hopefully much less) WORST things about the Thundercat

Post  Rosco Fri Nov 06 2009, 09:23

greencat wrote:
7. Fairing fixings...... esp the tab that holds all three panels together behind the front wheel, it eventually breaks off no matter how careful you are removing and replacing the panels

It even breaks if you just stand on in like I did wall

Male Status :

Number of posts : 6662
Humour : Oh Go On Then
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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