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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  biscut Tue Nov 06 2012, 20:52

First topic message reminder :

What on earth is that ? I hear you say.

I came across this on another site and can't believe I've not heard of it before as its a great idea, Its not available for all smart phones yet and at the moment its for Andriod only but

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Have just downloaded the FREE, yes FREE app from the play store and it seems to work (dropped my phone onto the couch to test it)...have a look and see what you think...

Brilliant app if it works as well when out and about if you ask me ! could be a life saver me thinks
Could also be handy for TomCom if he continues to crash bikes ;-)

Last edited by 0ldcat on Sun Dec 02 2012, 00:02; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : added info)

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  Snowcat Thu Nov 08 2012, 07:55

'Cat-Man-Do wrote:
Snowcat wrote:Trouble is as with a lot of apps on Apple they don't always work and unfortunately there are no reviews so I may have to just dip my toe and find out.

This app sounds like a great idea especially with improvements already mentioned

Although snowcat I wouldn't advise you try too hard to 'put it to the test'...bikes tend to function best with the rider ON them...or so I've heard [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Yeah I was thinking more about buying the app and then maybe dropping my phone, not throwing myself off the bike lol


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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  biscut Thu Nov 08 2012, 11:09

I agree with the comment about wanting the emergency services called rather than anyone else but at least that person would be able to call the emergency services if they couldnt get hold of the biker, that and IF (I know its a big IF) the GPS part worked then that might help get help to the person concerned quicker. There has been stories in the news recently where families of sailors etc have called the coast guard about loved ones being in trouble because the person concerned couldnt...cant remember the exact story but might try and dig it out.

Re the iphone version then I think someone else mentioned other apps that might be worth a try, would be interested to hear the results.

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  ellie Thu Nov 08 2012, 11:44

Taking this one step further, have you seen this and do you think I'll get a reduction in my insurance for using it? rofl Or does it mean I can put my feet up, have a coffee and rely on my phone telling me how to drive? Don\'t Know

About iOnRoad™️

iOnRoad™️ improves driving in real-time using the power of advanced smartphones. The app utilizes the smartphone’s native camera and sensors to detect vehicles in front of your car, alerting you when you’re in danger. iOnRoad maps your lane and objects in it. As your car approaches collision or runs off the road an audio-visual warning alerts you to take action in time and save your life. iOnRoad™️ is the first driving assistance system that’s available as software only solution. Its deployment makes an elegant way of reducing the problem of distracted driving. The company has received numerous awards including the CES 2012 innovation award, best augmented reality app of 2011, and one of Gartner’s cool vendors in automotive for 2012.

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  biscut Thu Nov 08 2012, 12:28

only two problems with it as far as I can see...

1) it doesnt drive for you, just criticises if you are too close etc etc
2) doesnt supply the coffee for you to drink while you are driving LOL

some of the new systems coming out for anti collision etc I think are really good. Was it one of the BMW's or Audi's that has the lights that partially dim when meeting oncoming traffic ?

With the new "driverless" licenses being issued in the US, it cant be long before we wont need to "drive" ourselves, I just pray that the systems wont be manufactured by either Microsoft or Apple !!

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 17:52

Personally I wouldn't bother with these apps - they're a lot of faff and very little benefit as far as I can see. (although Ellie, I totally get your wider point about phones and emergency contacts.) Even if for no other reason than if I completely bin it, what are the odds that your average iPhone would even survive the crash intact?

For me, what I've meant to do for a while - and really should get around to over this winter - is to get some kind of Road ID style dog tags with my name, contact numbers for my mum and sister, etc. and a small decal for my helmet so the ambulance peeps know to look for it. I think they're especially useful for things like forum rideouts. After all, as much as I like you lot, if a paramedic asked "is he allergic to anything?" or even "what's his second name?" I bet most of you wouldn't know.

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  SteveCat Thu Nov 08 2012, 18:08

Chris, you could get a Crash Card. You fill in the details and put it in your helmet lining. A green sticker on the visor ought to alert the paramedics that it is in there. I've got one stuffed in my lid.

I guess it is as much peace of mind as anything else, but you never know it could make a difference. Lets hope no one ever needs to test it out.

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  Guest Thu Nov 08 2012, 18:18

Not sure if having it inside my lid is ideal. If I'm lying unconscious, I can't imagine the paramedics taking my helmet off unless they absolutely have to - risk of spinal injuries and all that. That's why I'm thinking something like dog tags is a better idea.

But you're right though, it's just a case of having something with this info on, and making it clear to emergency responders where it is.

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  Snowcat Thu Nov 08 2012, 18:23

R2D2 wrote: I think they're especially useful for things like forum rideouts. After all, as much as I like you lot, if a paramedic asked "is he allergic to anything?" or even "what's his second name?" I bet most of you wouldn't know.


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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  SteveCat Thu Nov 08 2012, 20:44

R2D2 wrote:That's why I'm thinking something like dog tags is a better idea.
Absolutely, especially if there is a life threatening allergy to drugs which could be administered at the scene.

Apologies for taking this thread off topic slightly but would like to share what I was told by a paramedic regarding a couple of 'if I can't talk' devices.
There are some USB dog tags which can hold data, in reality the NHS laptops are blocked from reading unknown memory sticks and quite frankly useless at the scene.
For the last 18 years I've always had an I.C.E. entry in my phone, the reality is it isn't as widely recognised in the UK as it is in other countries but also further aggravated by the fact that most modern phones have an unlocking pin requirement rendering them useless to anyone other than the owner.

Regarding the apps -I agree with Ellie, would far prefer the emergency services be informed. I understand why it can't currently be an option due to the potential false alarms. Hopefully though through people trying/running the apps they'll mature and it can become a mainstream and accepted.

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  ellie Thu Nov 08 2012, 23:07

Highly unlikely a paramedic is qualified to give you something that you're allergic too, usually just resus drugs which dont really cause problems.

The allergy thing is more important with antibiotics etc which would never be prescribed at the scene as paramedics aren't prescribers.

The emergency services initially need to save your life and asses your breathing so your lid will always be removed, they don't give two shits at that point what your surname is.

What they will need to know Is important stuff like Diabetes, Epilepsy etc.

Identifying a biker is a job for a later time & usually something we send the police to sort.

Number 1 priority will always be saving your life.


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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  ellie Thu Nov 08 2012, 23:11

Like I said, ICE is fairly useless as you have to be 100% sure it's the next of kin you're calling as info can't be given to anyone else but NOK.

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  Founder Fri Nov 09 2012, 11:57

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]<====<< wee linky - - - thing-a-ma-bob is here >>> . . . link . . . Might as well jump Don\'t Know

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  bobh Fri Nov 09 2012, 18:01

Just by chance this IAM poll about "driverless cars" arrived today:

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Hope the link takes you to the right place.

No need to be an IAM member to do it, so if you have an opinion (and I certainly do) please feel free.

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  bobh Fri Nov 09 2012, 18:07

Rosco wrote:

Well jealous of the pics Bob - So how do you organise your fuel stop Bob?

The bike does about 200 Km to reserve, and that's about as much riding as I can manage in a day on that thin saddle!

So that's about €10 for a day's fun - good value, I reckon (and it gets me out of the wife's way!) girl_witch

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  ellie Sat Nov 10 2012, 08:01

And I suppose the fact that my phones pin locked means any emergency contact information is useless anyway green smile

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  Founder Sat Nov 10 2012, 11:02

Although it's a pay for App in the link I put above (both of them - the keep calm pic is a link too),you can set it to bypass the phone lock for the I.C.E info. (queue the . . "but what if I loose my phone" . . or . . "it gets stolen" ?!).

In the end though, it's horses for courses. If the idea isn't liked, then no amount of, "yeah but it can be set to . . . . " , will persuade anyone otherwise.

Personally, I thought it was a reasonable idea, just like dog tags, cards, a quickly scribbled bit of paper or any other method of attemting to get info on yourself, to those who would help, would be faster than nothing at all.

Fault can be found in any system . . . . none of them are fool proof ! And until a standardised system is set up nationally, I'm sure we and others (not just the biking community), will continue to have these discussions Thumb green smile

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  ellie Sun Nov 11 2012, 09:13

Bypassing the pin lock sounds a good idea as I have mine locked in case it's nicked

Let's all stay shiny side up and ride carefully & cautiously, then it won't be a problem!

I wonder if something similar has been developed in case you break down, I often wonder if I'm out on my own, and break down in the peaks where there's no phone signal what a nightmare that would be.

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  biscut Fri Nov 16 2012, 11:02

on another slightly lower tech level, these guys are doing a plastic card thingy. I realise that it still relies on the person updating the NOK section but with free updates when info changes then cant see any reason why not to do it.

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Just my two pennies worth anyway

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CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRAsh Detection And Response (CRADAR)

Post  Wooster Tue Nov 20 2012, 01:01

MrNutt wrote:very clever looking app there, shame I am on an iphone

Never fear, it'll be on the iPhone within the next five years (the version that works). You'll pay a tenner for it (initially), and they'll claim they invented it. Neutral

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