Yamaha Thundercats
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Starting to ride

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Starting to ride Empty Starting to ride

Post  westy Tue Jun 26 2012, 18:02

Just thought i'd pop my head in to let you all know im still here and have a rant about my first few miles as a biker and of course the bike green smile

So the odometer just rolled past the 3000 mile mark for me (nearly time for another oil change Shocked) and I can't believe how much better it is to ride a bike than drive a car. Not just for the riding itself but the community of it. I have had 2 people come up to me at garage forecourts just to have a chat about the bike, people let you in when it was probably better for you to stop (I imagine this is because they are bikers, just in their car) and now have a sore neck from all the head nodding I've been doing! Laughing

Best Bits (So far)
Opening the garage every day, admiring the lines of the frame, the shape of the fairings. - I NEVER did this with any of my cars Neutral
Getting on, instantly feeling happy, no matter how full of cold you are and about to ride to work in the freezing rain (again). Laughing
Riding off & the responsive everything! One little flick of the wrist and your going 40mph faster, one little lean and your almost knee down. - Mostly thanks to putting the "high-speed" pressures in the tyres found on this forum.
Getting it home on Friday after work and cleaning the sh* out of it for the weekend blast!

Probably the single hardest thing I found about riding a motorbike coming from driving first, overtaking. In a car I was always thinking "Can I make that? Probably not." but now all I'm thinking about is "Who's gonna pull out on me mid-manuvere?". The step up in acceleration (From a 1.8 Celica) is staggering frankly. I'm still getting used to being able to overtake 6 cars and a tractor in one Shocked.

The cat itself is doing fine, having a new chain & sprockets this Friday. No dramas otherwise! - Apart from this one time (few weeks after i got it) I was riding with a mate on a crosser and we parked up for a break, I accidentally flicked the kill switch while I got off. Came to ride again, no ignition! wtf?. 5 mins later - Clap
My mate DIDN'T find it hilarious.

As you can probably tell, I love it a bit too much green smile

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Number of posts : 77
Hobbies : IT
Registration date : 2012-02-16

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Starting to ride Empty Re: Starting to ride

Post  Rosco Tue Jun 26 2012, 21:57

Great stuff - good to hear that mate. Glad you are enjoying it.

While I totally agree it is great to overtake 6 cars and a tractor in one go the car drivers will be more than keen to get past the tractor and may go straight to manoeuvre without a hint of mirror or signal.
While you would be totally in the right and have right of way it won't make an incident any less painful.

I've also heard of a underpant change when on one of the rideouts a tractor was turning right into a field while one of our group was overtaking it. The bu66ers seem to appear out of fields just as quick sometime.

They are not all out to get us but better to be prepared just in case Wink

I'm probably the worst for leaving my ignition / lights on and have killed a couple of batteries :( so I can empathise with you on that one.


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Humour : Oh Go On Then
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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Starting to ride Empty Re: Starting to ride

Post  Panzerbuilder Thu Jun 28 2012, 19:37

Glad you enjoy it. Same here.

Its a one car household here and Les, the wife, doesnt work Wed or Thurs. As such, when the forecast states its wet (quite a lot just lately) she does suggest I take the car. But as long as its not persisting down, Id rather take the bike!

Roll on the good weather!

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Number of posts : 1221
Humour : Anything that puts a smile on my face ;-)
Registration date : 2010-03-04

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Starting to ride Empty Re: Starting to ride

Post  Radar Thu Jun 28 2012, 23:13

Glad you are enjoying yourself so much!! I have been riding 30 years now and still enjoy virtually every mile

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Registration date : 2009-02-15

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Starting to ride Empty Re: Starting to ride

Post  Panzerbuilder Sat Jun 30 2012, 17:51

Pete, are you sure its not every virtual mile. I here your a whizz on the PC!

Male Status :

Number of posts : 1221
Humour : Anything that puts a smile on my face ;-)
Registration date : 2010-03-04

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