Yamaha Thundercats
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A few more Pics folks??

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A few more Pics folks?? Empty A few more Pics folks??

Post  trafman Mon Mar 16 2009, 20:01

Just looked in the gallery and noted there are far fewer pics of us and our bikes than there used to be on the old yahoo site. I know this one has not been going long and its been winter but surely most folk must have a pic or two of them and their bike/s.
Its nice to see a few bikes as a recent pic of W-K-W's T Cat, inspired me to put a lovely fading gold Beowulf can on my cat and when I get the camera out on a decent day I will be putting a pic of that on here. I have been mad enough to add a couple of pics of my 70,s sports mopeds yep a Fizzie and an AP50 so what do others have in their garages? Laughing



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A few more Pics folks?? Empty Re: A few more Pics folks??

Post  Founder Tue Mar 17 2009, 10:19

Hi Traf,

The Gallery that comes free with the site is only 10mb in size, so will not support as many pictures as the old MSN site did, which seemed to have had an unlimited size space for photo albums.

More space can be purchased for the gallery on here with credits, but that then defeats the object of a free forum.

We have gotten around it here by making the . . "Oooh Nice bike" . . forum, where peeps can post and have posted both their 'Cat' and 'Non-Cat' bike pictures.
Some members have posted in the main gallery and some in the 'nice bike' thread.

There is also the "Candid Camera" forum where you can post piccies and videos if you wish or even a link to a picture sharing forum (photobucket etc etc), where you or any member may have an album perhaps of ride out or holiday tour photo's to share.

There is also a link in the "Links" forum of this site to the archived old MSN site that now resides at Multiply. There you can still call up and view all the pictures that were on the old site.

Hope the above info is of help to all


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Registration date : 2008-11-05


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