What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
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What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
Hi, seen a cheap thundercat frame and got me thinking about building another cat. However, would like it to be a little different and have more options, therefore, does anyone know if any other engines will fit the frame without too much modification? Would like the performance of the thunderace but with the t'cat looks, any suggestions?
grant26- 6Bronze
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
i was talking to some one the other day who said they put an r1 block in a cat if thats any help
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
Yzf750r is rumoured to be able to be engineered to fit
mechy69- Event-Organiser
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
I'd have thought either an R6 or R1 engine should slip in there relatively easily
Snowcat- 6Gold
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
Different engine mounting pointsstevedj2000 wrote:I'd have thought either an R6 or R1 engine should slip in there relatively easily
Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
I stand corrected sir I thought being similar it would be straight forward but hey I'm just a newb!!0ldcat wrote:Different engine mounting pointsstevedj2000 wrote:I'd have thought either an R6 or R1 engine should slip in there relatively easily
Snowcat- 6Gold
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
Not much help but the fazer engine fits
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
Ooops, Sorry mate . . . that came out wrong, it was meant to read more like a rhetorical question/statement ~ as in "but I think they've got different engine mounting points . . ?"stevedj2000 wrote:I stand corrected sir I thought being similar it would be straight forward but hey I'm just a newb!!0ldcat wrote:Different engine mounting pointsstevedj2000 wrote:I'd have thought either an R6 or R1 engine should slip in there relatively easily
Apologies if it came across as a put down . . . Purely unintentional steve
Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
The R6/1 series engine were a totally new design, so I would not expect them to bolt up to the Cat frame. Fazer, FZR600 etc would be easier but then you don't gain the bigger punch you're after.
Maybe a bored Cat engine? Not sure how wide you can go - I can't find any over-bore kits on t'internet nor oversized pistons, so it would be a bitsa.
Maybe a bored Cat engine? Not sure how wide you can go - I can't find any over-bore kits on t'internet nor oversized pistons, so it would be a bitsa.
weasley- Admin2
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
Well to start with the fazer engine is cradled traditionally in a frame so mounts totally different to cat, the cat frame is based on the yzf750r frame and the engine mounts the same
mechy69- Event-Organiser
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
0ldcat wrote:Sorry mate . . . that came out wrong, it was meant to read more like a rhetorical question/statement ~ as in "but I think they've got different engine mounting points . . ?"
Apologies if it came across as a put down . . . Purely unintentional steve
No took it in the spirit it was intended Tel, no worries mate
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
As apposed to a completely entertained Cat engine ??weasley wrote:Maybe a bored Cat engine? Not sure how wide you can go - I can't find any over-bore kits on t'internet nor oversized pistons, so it would be a bitsa.
Snowcat- 6Gold
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
mechanical_pete_69 wrote:Well to start with the fazer engine is cradled traditionally in a frame so mounts totally different to cat, the cat frame is based on the yzf750r frame and the engine mounts the same
Only josin ya pete
Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
not to worry he will not again!!
mechy69- Event-Organiser
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
weasley wrote:Maybe a bored Cat engine? Not sure how wide you can go - I can't find any over-bore kits on t'internet nor oversized pistons, so it would be a bitsa.
I don't THINK there's a lot of room for that, not for a big jump in cc anyway. I think you'd need to look at increasing the stroke more than piston size.
stretchie_- 4Gold
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
Why not test the ThunderACE engine. The mounting points look relatively similar. Both have the engines haging from the frame as apposed to the Fazers cradle style. The front wheels on the ACE & CAT are exactly the same.....except maybe the bearing for the shaft may differ. Don't see why one can't make it fit. For more power suggest just fitting FUEL injection system and power commander. In theory the CAT is a detuned R6.....though i've kept up with and outrun quite a few 1000's on the winding roads!!!
Fucnmuvn- 2Bronze
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
Fucnmuvn wrote:In theory the CAT is a detuned R6.....though i've kept up with and outrun quite a few 1000's on the winding roads!!!
Not the same engine at all. A Fazer is a 'detuned Cat engine' (although more different than just camshafts and carbs) but the Cat has pretty much nothing in common with the R6. I doubt getting fuel injection on it would release that much power - if you wanted to work with the engine you have you could look at camshafts, carbs, pistons, headers etc but not really worth it as there's not a lot of power tuning stuff out there for the Cat.
As I like to bang on about, the peak torque for the Cat is higher than for every R6 model that has followed it.
weasley- Admin2
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Re: What engines fit in the t'cat frame?
There is a 660cc build that basically involves a mixture of crankshaft, conrods and genny cover from the FZS and FZR?? I think you'll find it on the USA forum that there is a link to at the top of this page but failing that I think just spend alot of time and effort chasing a couple of extra horses by porting, polishing, port matching, can and air filter and then jetting and dyno'ing.
Alot of people would say that the above is a massive waste of time and money and I would agree if you were purely chasing more power, probably cheaper and easier to fit a turbo and be done BUT if this is the kind of stuff you are really interested in and you'd enjoy yourself at the same time as learning I would say it's time and money well spent as long as you use it all again
Alot of people would say that the above is a massive waste of time and money and I would agree if you were purely chasing more power, probably cheaper and easier to fit a turbo and be done BUT if this is the kind of stuff you are really interested in and you'd enjoy yourself at the same time as learning I would say it's time and money well spent as long as you use it all again
stretchie_- 4Gold
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