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1st Go at Wheel Polishing

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1st Go at Wheel Polishing  Empty 1st Go at Wheel Polishing

Post  StevieH Tue Nov 23 2010, 20:17

Hi All
I had a quick go at this wheel earlier on this year when I first got the cat as it was really badly corroded,but I never had any mops etc,etc.
I have finally got around to trying to make a better job,but its still not perfect as I had really scratched the alloy bad with a wire wheel,so I have worked me things off trying to get it polished. It looks OK but it still has a lot of small marks in it close up,.Have a look and let me know what you think great great great
THANKS!!! thundercat old old 1st Go at Wheel Polishing  Pict00161st Go at Wheel Polishing  Pict0017

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Number of posts : 112
Registration date : 2010-09-23

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1st Go at Wheel Polishing  Empty Re: 1st Go at Wheel Polishing

Post  Panzerbuilder Tue Nov 23 2010, 21:34

Steve, from the photo it looks okay. I'm picking up a second set of wheels in 2 weeks time so I'm just debating what to do with mine. Polish or paint or both?

Let me know of any shortfalls or problem areas you found.

What did you use, power tools or good old elbow grease? rofl2


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1st Go at Wheel Polishing  Empty Re: 1st Go at Wheel Polishing

Post  StevieH Wed Nov 24 2010, 23:03

Hi Rich
It was a bit of a Bas*ard to polish as I had butchered it earlier this year with a wire wheel and emery cloth flap wheel as the wheel was very corroded for some reason when I bought the bike.
So this time I bought this polish kit from Planet Polish on Flea Bay for £18.50 all in and it did the trick in me electric drill.
All you do is take out your wheel give it a good clean,then paint strip the outer ring and brush it off. If you can remove your disc's all the better. Mine would'nt come undone ,so I left it Mad Mad Very Happy
Then you can rub the rim down that you have stripped to get it reasonably smooth and then start polishing with the tools in the kit using electric drill.
When you get it how you want it,give it a good whipe down with White Spirits and then mask up the centers between the polished bits and the wheel center with insulation tape as it is more plyable to use,then mask up the rest of the wheel with masking tape and newspaper where you dont want the paint to get. I also used cling film over the tyre. Get some spray primer,I got mine from poundland,give it a good coat and then choose a top color and give it a couple of coats of that and that was it. Make sure you take off the masking tapes before it gets too dry and there you have it.
It sounds a lot worse than it is. wall wall lol! lol! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Steve old old

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Number of posts : 112
Registration date : 2010-09-23

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